1.5.0 (2018-05-16)
- API updates:
- Update fetchMessages api with cache support
- Introduce message operation cache objects for fail operation handling
- Implement fetch participant API with cache enabled #196 #197 #198 #203
- Support beforeMessageID parameter for query messages #175
- UIKit updates:
- Support UI and Text customization support in SKYChatConversationViewController
- Support showing username list as conversation view title #80
- Provide more customization on text on conversation view #39
- Add more UI customization on conversation view #103
- Add capability to turn off some features in conversation view #103
- Add event hooks for conversation view #103 #148 #218
- Show placeholder during avatar loading state #216
- Disable highlighting text in message cell in JSQMessagesViewController-Skygear v7.3.5.4
Bug Fixes
- API updates:
- Add missing adminIDs to options when calling chat:create_conversation SkygearIO/chat#192
- UIKit updates:
- For sending image message, update SKYKit to 1.3.1 with fail to init asset fixes
- Fix scroll position of conversation view
- Fix some minor issues in UIKit #194 #195
- Fix voice message related issues #207 #210
- Touch message list blank area should dismiss keyboard #40
- iPhone X support #141
- The chat view shifted to the top crash the layout when back from another view controller #143
Other Notes
- Support Swift 4 #101
- Update APIs written in Objective-C to assume nonnullability #184
- Build Swift Example in travis
- Use Published JSQMessagesViewController-Skygear pod
- Make unnecessary properties to private #217
- Add back `@objc` decorator to all public classes in Swift