This is a C version of my C ASM Pokemon project.
I want to get a good idea of how this will look in C so that I can make some of the other things in assembly.
Number | Meaning |
0 | Exit |
1 | Normal |
2 | Enter Battle |
3 | Exit Battle(Won) |
4 | Exit Battle (Lost) |
5 | Exit Battle (Ran Away) |
6 | Enter PokeCenter |
7 | Pokemon Healed |
8 | Exit Pokecenter |
9 | Enter Market |
10 | Enter Buying Section |
11 | Enter Selling |
12 | Exit Buying |
13 | Exit Selling |
14 | Exit Market |
Numbers | Topic |
0x01 - 0x09 | Database Connection Errors |
0x10 - 0x19 | Game Errors |
Error | Meaning |
0x01 | Database Failed to Connect |
0x02 | Database Failed to Create |
0x03 | SQL Query Failed |
0x04 | Invalid SQL |
0x05 | |
0x06 | |
0x07 | |
0x08 | |
0x09 |
These will be added as I find errors for the game
Error | Meaning |
0x0a | Error Creating Player |
0x0b | Error Saving Player |
0x0c | Error Deleting Player |
0x0d | TBD |
0x0e | TBD |
0x10 | TBD |
0x17 | TBD |
0x18 | TBD |
0x19 | TBD |
- Make Logic for battles/Pokecenter/Pokemart
- Make Pokemon Stats
- Make Database
- Make Database connections with sqlite3
- Find a name for this project