In this task, I have created a trainer for learning CSS selectors. The trainer consists of multiple game levels. Each level includes a layout example and HTML code that corresponds to the current level. Some elements of the layout are highlighted using animation. The user's task is to write a CSS selector that targets all the highlighted elements in the layout.
- TypeScript
- Webpack
- ESLint
You can see the deployment of the project at
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository.
- Run 'npm install'.
- Run 'npm start'.
- 'npm run test': This script runs the Jest testing framework, which is used for testing your code.
- 'npm run build': This script triggers the Webpack bundler to build your project in production mode. It sets the Node environment to production.
- 'npm run build:dev': This script instructs Webpack to build your project in development mode, optimizing it for development and debugging.
- 'npm run watch': This script runs Webpack in watch mode, which continuously monitors your project files for changes and rebuilds it automatically when changes are detected.
- 'npm start': This script starts a development server using Webpack's built-in development server, allowing you to preview and test your project locally.
- 'npm run lint': This script runs ESLint, a code analysis tool, on the code located in the src directory of your project. It automatically fixes code style and syntax issues using the --fix option, ensuring that your code conforms to defined coding standards and maintains consistency.