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added lua serial vs batch test for strips
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elidwa committed Jan 7, 2025
1 parent dbf9ef0 commit cbade05
Showing 5 changed files with 197 additions and 7 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion datasets/pgc/package/PgcDemStripsRaster.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -189,12 +189,13 @@ void PgcDemStripsRaster::getIndexFile(const std::vector<point_info_t>* points, s
mlog(INFO, "Found %zu geojson files with %zu points", files.size(), points->size());

/* Remove any duplicate files */
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end());
files.erase(std::unique(files.begin(), files.end()), files.end());

mlog(INFO, "Found %zu geojson files with %zu points", files.size(), points->size());

/* If we have only one file, use it as the index file */
if(files.size() == 1)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ local lat = 66.34 -- Arctic Circle latitude
local height = 0 -- Always zero for this test

local startLon = 100.0
local stopLon = 160.0
local maxPoints = 10^6 -- Total number of points
local stopLon = 110.0
local maxPoints = 10^5 -- Total number of points

local lons, lats, heights = generatePointArrays(startLon, stopLon, lat, height, maxPoints)

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ print(string.format("Serial sampling: %d points read, time: %f, failed reads: %d
local batchResults = {}
local starttimeBatch = time.latch()

print(string.format("\n------------------------------------\nMosaics bathc reading %d points along arctic circle, longitude range (%.2f to %.2f)\n------------------------------------", maxPoints, startLon, stopLon))
print(string.format("\n------------------------------------\nMosaics batch reading %d points along arctic circle, longitude range (%.2f to %.2f)\n------------------------------------", maxPoints, startLon, stopLon))
local tbl, err = dem:batchsample(lons, lats, heights)
if err ~= 0 then
print("Batch sampling failed")
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ end
print("\n------------------------------------\nPerformance Summary\n------------------------------------")
print(string.format("Total Points: %d", maxPoints))
print(string.format("Serial Sampling Time: %6.2f seconds", dtimeSerial))
print(string.format("Batch Sampling Time: %6.2f seconds", dtimeBatch))
print(string.format("Batch Sampling Time: %6.2f seconds", dtimeBatch))
print(string.format("Speedup (Serial/Batch): %.2fx", dtimeSerial / dtimeBatch))
print(string.format("Failed Points (Serial): %d", totalFailedSerial))
print(string.format("Failed Points (Batch): %d", totalFailedBatch))
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions datasets/pgc/systests/arcticdem_strips_serial_vs_batch_perf.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
local console = require("console")
local asset = require("asset")
local csv = require("csv")
local json = require("json")

-- console.monitor:config(core.LOG, core.DEBUG)
-- sys.setlvl(core.LOG, core.DEBUG)

local assets = asset.loaddir()

-- Setup --

local failedSamples = 0

-- Generate arrays for lons, lats, and heights
local function generatePointArrays(startLon, stopLon, lat, height, maxPoints)
local lons = {}
local lats = {}
local heights = {}

local step = (stopLon - startLon) / (maxPoints - 1)
for i = 1, maxPoints do
table.insert(lons, startLon + (i - 1) * step)
table.insert(lats, lat)
table.insert(heights, height)

return lons, lats, heights

local verbose = true
local failedSamplesSerial = 0
local failedSamplesBatch = 0

local lat = 66.34 -- Arctic Circle latitude
local height = 0 -- Always zero for this test

local startLon = 100.0
local stopLon = 110.0
local maxPoints = 10^5 -- Total number of points

local lons, lats, heights = generatePointArrays(startLon, stopLon, lat, height, maxPoints)

print(string.format("\n------------------------------------\nStrips serial reading %d points along arctic circle, longitude range (%.2f to %.2f)\n------------------------------------", maxPoints, startLon, stopLon))

-- Capture results from serial sampling
local serialResults = {}
local dem = geo.raster(geo.parms({ asset = "arcticdem-strips", algorithm = "NearestNeighbour", radius = 0, sort_by_index = true }))

local starttimeSerial = time.latch()
local intervaltime = starttimeSerial
local modulovalue = maxPoints / 20

for i = 1, maxPoints do
local tbl, err = dem:sample(lons[i], lats[i], heights[i])
if err ~= 0 then
failedSamplesSerial = failedSamplesSerial + 1
print(string.format("Serial: Point: %d, (%.2f, %.2f) ======> FAILED to read", i, lons[i], lats[i]))
table.insert(serialResults, nil)
table.insert(serialResults, tbl)

if verbose then
if (i % modulovalue == 0) then
local midtime = time.latch()
local dtime = midtime - intervaltime
local firstSample = tbl[1]
local el = firstSample["value"]
print(string.format("Point: %7d sampled at (%.2f, %.2f), strips: %3d, first strip elevation: %7.2fm, %d points interval time: %5.2f", i, lons[i], lats[i], #tbl, el, modulovalue, dtime))
intervaltime = time.latch()

local stoptimeSerial = time.latch()
local dtimeSerial = stoptimeSerial - starttimeSerial
print(string.format("Serial sampling: %d points read, time: %f, failed reads: %d", maxPoints, dtimeSerial, failedSamplesSerial))

-- Capture results from batch sampling
local batchResults = {}
local starttimeBatch = time.latch()

print(string.format("\n------------------------------------\nStrips batch reading %d points along arctic circle, longitude range (%.2f to %.2f)\n------------------------------------", maxPoints, startLon, stopLon))
local tbl, err = dem:batchsample(lons, lats, heights)
if err ~= 0 then
print("Batch sampling failed")
batchResults = tbl

local stoptimeBatch = time.latch()
local dtimeBatch = stoptimeBatch - starttimeBatch
print(string.format("Batch sampling: %d points read, time: %f, failed reads: %d", maxPoints, dtimeBatch, failedSamplesBatch))

-- Helper function to check if two numbers are equal, considering NaN
local function areEqual(num1, num2)
if num1 ~= num1 and num2 ~= num2 then
-- Both are NaN
return true
-- Regular comparison
return math.abs(num1 - num2) <= 1e-6

-- Compare serial and batch results
print("\n------------------------------------\nComparing Serial and Batch Results\n------------------------------------")
local totalMismatches = 0
local totalFailedSerial = 0
local totalFailedBatch = 0

for i = 1, maxPoints do
local serialSample = serialResults[i]
local batchSample = batchResults[i]

if (serialSample == nil and batchSample == nil) then
-- Both failed
totalFailedSerial = totalFailedSerial + 1
totalFailedBatch = totalFailedBatch + 1
print(string.format("Point %d: Both methods failed", i))
elseif (serialSample == nil) then
-- Serial failed
totalFailedSerial = totalFailedSerial + 1
totalMismatches = totalMismatches + 1
print(string.format("Point %d: Serial failed, Batch succeeded", i))
elseif (batchSample == nil) then
-- Batch failed
totalFailedBatch = totalFailedBatch + 1
totalMismatches = totalMismatches + 1
print(string.format("Point %d: Batch failed, Serial succeeded", i))
-- Compare number of samples
if #serialSample > #batchSample then
totalMismatches = totalMismatches + 1
print(string.format("Point %d: (%.2f, %.2f), Error: Serial samples (%d) > Batch samples (%d)", i, lons[i], lats[i], #serialSample, #batchSample))
-- Check if each serial sample matches any batch sample
local mismatchFound = false
for j = 1, #serialSample do
local foundMatch = false
for k = 1, #batchSample do
if areEqual(serialSample[j]["value"], batchSample[k]["value"]) then
foundMatch = true

if not foundMatch then
mismatchFound = true
totalMismatches = totalMismatches + 1
print(string.format("Point %d, Serial Sample %d: %.6f has no match in Batch samples", i, j, serialSample[j]["value"]))

-- Print summary
print("\n------------------------------------\nPerformance Summary\n------------------------------------")
print(string.format("Total Points: %d", maxPoints))
print(string.format("Serial Sampling Time: %6.2f seconds", dtimeSerial))
print(string.format("Batch Sampling Time: %6.2f seconds", dtimeBatch))
print(string.format("Speedup (Serial/Batch): %.2fx", dtimeSerial / dtimeBatch))
print(string.format("Failed Points (Serial): %d", totalFailedSerial))
print(string.format("Failed Points (Batch): %d", totalFailedBatch))
print(string.format("Mismatched Points: %d", totalMismatches))

16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion packages/geo/GeoIndexedRasterBatch.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -367,7 +367,8 @@ void* GeoIndexedRaster::batchReaderThread(void *param)


@@ -755,6 +756,19 @@ bool GeoIndexedRaster::findUniqueRasters(std::vector<unique_raster_t*>& uniqueRa

#if 0
/* For each unique raster, print its name and points in it */
mlog(DEBUG, "Unique rasters:");
for(unique_raster_t* ur : uniqueRasters)
mlog(DEBUG, "Unique raster: %s", fileDict.get(ur->rinfo->fileId));
for(point_sample_t& ps : ur->pointSamples)
mlog(DEBUG, "Point index: %ld, (%.2lf, %.2lf)", ps.pointIndex, ps.point.getX(), ps.point.getY());

/* Reduce memory usage */
status = true;
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion targets/slideruleearth-aws/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ STRIPS_PERFORMANCE_TEST ?= $(ROOT)/datasets/pgc/systests/arcticdem_strips_perf.
SUBSET_PERFORMANCE_TEST ?= $(ROOT)/scripts/systests/subset_perf_test.lua

MOSAICS_SERIAL_VS_BATCH_PERFORMANCE_TEST ?= $(ROOT)/datasets/pgc/systests/arcticdem_mosaic_serial_vs_batch_perf.lua
STRIPS_SERIAL_VS_BATCH_PERFORMANCE_TEST ?= $(ROOT)/datasets/pgc/systests/arcticdem_strips_serial_vs_batch_perf.lua

selftest: ## run the self test on the server code
$(SLIDERULE_STAGE_DIR)/bin/sliderule $(TEST)
@@ -356,9 +357,12 @@ perfstest: ## run strips performance test on the server code
perfsubsetest: ## run subset performance test

perfmsbtest: ## run mosaics serial and batch performance test for 1 million points comparing results
perfmsbtest: ## run mosaics serial and batch performance test comparing results

perfssbtest: ## run strips serial and batch performance test comparing results

oceaneyes-test: ## run oceaneyes
docker run -it --rm -v /data:/data -v $(OCEANEYES_SHARE):/share --name oceaneyes $(ECR)/oceaneyes:$(VERSION) /bin/bash / $(OCEANEYES_SHARE)/settings.json

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