Our-ui 是一个基于 React 和 Next.js 的面向全年龄段,覆盖多种人群(不断扩展覆盖范围,争取为各个群体做出他们喜欢的组件库)的前端组件库,旨在简化和加速 Web 应用程序的开发。这个库是从 shadcn-ui 派生而来的,提供了一系列易于使用和高度可定制的 UI 组件。
In today's market, many component libraries focus primarily on specific business needs, providing a series of solutions tailored to particular functions. Our goal, however, is to break away from this single-minded approach and create a diverse component library that caters to different age groups and audiences.
Our design philosophy is based on the following principles:
User Diversity 👨👩👧👦: We believe that users of different ages and backgrounds have varying needs and preferences when using software. Therefore, our component library not only focuses on functional implementation but also emphasizes personalized and diverse user experiences.
Ease of Use 🧩: Whether it's seniors or young people, professional users, or beginners, our components strive to be easy to understand and use. Through intuitive design and detailed documentation, we ensure that all users can quickly get started.
Flexibility and Adaptability 🔄: Our component library offers rich customization options, allowing developers to adjust according to the specific needs of their target users. This way, developers can easily create interfaces and interactive experiences that meet the expectations of any user group.
Inclusivity and Accessibility ♿: We are committed to inclusive design, ensuring our components are friendly to everyone. By adhering to accessibility design principles, our components can better serve users with special needs.
Aesthetics and Functionality 🎨: Our components aim to satisfy users' needs functionally while also providing a pleasant visual experience. We believe that aesthetics and functionality complement each other, and an excellent component library should find a balance between the two.
Through these principles, we hope our component library can truly be "user-centric," providing a high-quality experience for users of all ages and backgrounds.
Accessible and customizable components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source. Use this to build your own component library.
Visit http://ui.shadcn.com/docs to view the documentation.
我们欢迎所有人的贡献!如果你有兴趣为 Our-ui 做出贡献,请阅读我们的贡献指南以了解详细信息。
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Licensed under the MIT license.