An application used to create new branches and playlists for multiple LED screens, built with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JavaScript.
You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
###Database Setup (Linux)
- Download and install MongoDB
- Start the MongoDb service sudo service mongodb restart
###Database Setup (Windows)
- Download and install MongoDB
- Create the following folder C:\data\db
- If MongoDb has not been installed as a service run the MonogoDB demon mongod.exe
npm install
###Create environment:
Open .env file and change environment variables to your settings.
MONGODB_URI= mongodb://localhost:27017/led SUPERADMIN_TOKEN=123123123
###Entry file: server/public/server.js
##Database Commands Open MongoDB shell
###Commands show dbs - Print a list of all databases on the server.
use "db" - Switch current database to "db" // example: use ledDb
show collections - Print a list of all collections for current database.
show users - Print a list of users for current database.
db.users.insertOne() - Insert a new user into the collection. // example db.users.insertOne({login: "superadmin", password: "asdasd"})
db.users.updateOne() - Update a single user.
db.users.updateOne({ "login" : "superadmin" }, { $set: { "password" : "AsdAsd123" } });