eht-met-forecast creates radio-astronomy-relevant weather forecast graphs for the Event Horizon Telescope.
This code downloads raw weather forecast data from the NOAA GFS weather model. It then runs this forecast through Scott Paine's AM radiative transfer code to compute values of interest to radio astronomy, such as the opacity at millimeter frequencies. These derived values are then archived. These values are also used to create graphs of near-future weather, which are embedded in a webpage. These webpages are then used by the EHT Array Operations Center for daily GO/NO-GO decisions during our observations.
% eht-met-forecast -h
% eht-met-forecast --backfill 168 --dir . --vex Sw --wait --log LOG
The output of this package is in directories named by the 2-letter Vex code. These sometimes change. For example, the EHT used to call Kitt Peak Kp, and then Kt, but Kt is used in the SCHED database for KVN Tamna, and so on and so on. So it's necessary to document how to rename a station here.
Change the name in scripts/
and regenerate
. Grep the configuration files and make changes
as needed.
To fix up the data, cd to the data repo, and pull. git mv
directory to its new name. Then commit both the old and new
names. This causes git to create rename operations instead of
duplicating the data.
This code depends on two dependencies, pygrib
and am
. The azure
pipelines configuration file for this repo shows
a working solution for both in the azure pipelines Ubuntu and
MacOS-based environment. Here are some rough notes:
The python pygrib package requires a few OS packages:
# Ubuntu 18.04 or later -- libeccodes isn't available earlier -- tested in the CI
apt-get install libeccodes-dev proj-bin libproj-dev libcairo2-dev
# RedHat flavored distros -- not tested
yum install eccodes-devel proj proj-devel cairo-devel
# Homebrew -- tested in the CI on MacOS
brew install eccodes proj cairo
# conda-forge: guesses, not tested
conda install -c conda-forge eccodes proj cairo
Once these OS packages are installed, the following sequence is needed in order:
- pip install cython
- pip install pygrib
file does this for you.
Finally, on MacOS XCode 12 and later, you need:
export CFLAGS="-Wno-implicit-function-declaration"
because cython generates C code that triggers this warning (which becomes a fatal error).
The am code is straightforward C and does not require any unusual libraries.
The included Makefile
has instructions to build it:
make am12.2
Before running eht-met-forecast
, you need to set an environment variable:
export AM=./am-12.2/src/am
$AM -v
Once the OS pacakges for pygrib
and am
are installed,
pip install .
pip install .[test] # if you want to run tests
- almost all configuration is in *.sh
- see [] for clues about the annual cycle
- this cronjob line is optimal for GFS's cycles (assumes UTC)
3 1,7,13,19 * * * "bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/"
The file tau255.txt
is downloaded from the vlbimon website at Radboud.
#7 0,12 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # UTC
#17 7,19 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # UTC
7 4,16 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # PST
17 11,23 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # PST
#7 5,17 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # PDT
#17 0,12 * * * bash ~/github/eht-met-forecast/ # PDT
This code mainly a refactoring of Scott Paine's sma-met-forecast repo. The graph code is descended from code written by Scott Paine and Lindy Blackburn. Many members of the EHT Collaboration have made helpful comments.
CK Chan and Phani Datta Velicheti have independently refactored Scott Paine's code.
Alex Raymond has used MERRA-2 historical weather data to evaluate potential next-generation EHT sites.
Our European colleagues have similar code to process a European weather forecast.