This is a short introduction to Laravel with a few practical task to solve. Not all lessons in video course are relevant to given tasks - but is a nice way to get familiar with Laravel world. Depending on your PHP level, try to solve as many steps as you can. It's okay if you don't manage to solve all 7 task. There is no need for CSS. Try to keep it short and simple. Take notes as you go and write comments where necessary.
Step 1
- Watch introduction course
Step 2
- Create new laravel project 'project'
Step 3
- Create route /date returns current date in format yyyy-mm-dd
- Try using Controller for this step.
Step 4
- Create route /double
- Create a form with one input field Number and one button Submit
- After submission it displays integer entered by user multiplied by 2
Step 5
- Create route /weather/{land}/{fylke}/{kommune}/{stedsnavn}
- Where {land}, {fylke}, {kommune}, {stedsnavn} are user parameters Example: weather/Norge/Akershus/Frogn/Drøbak weather/Norge/Hordaland/Bergen/Bergen
- Use input from request to get latest weatherforcast from (
- Display latest weather forecast
Step 6
- Install
- Create custom artisan command faker
- When command is executed it should print out random name
- clone this repo
- composer install
- php artisan serve