Releases: Sniffleupagus/Torch4Pizero
This Time For Sure - Bookworm
This is a fresh build from the 32-bit bookworm pi-gen. Tested to see that it at least installs and loads on a Piero. Short of building a pwnagotchi, I don't know how else to test it. The previous one wasn't working on newer bookworm version of RaspiOS. This one should. I think. I hope.
Additional apt package requirements to import wheel:
- libprotobuf32
- libopenblas0
- libcpuinfo0
- libsleef3
Vision (imports with an error about images, and "no attribute _utils"):
- libopenjp2-7
Passing the torch
My first working version of torch and torchvision wheels for Raspberry Pi Zero, python v3.9.2
Torch v2.1.0
Torchvision 0.16
Pytorch for RaspiOS 32-bit Bookworm
Pytorch and vision wheels for 32-bit RaspiOS, built for Pi Zero W armv6 variant. Built using pi-gen.
Based on Raspberry Pi OS Lite 32-bit Dec 5, 2023
Kernel 6.1
Debian 12 "Bookworm"
Python 3.11
Pytorch 2.1.0
Torchvision 0.16
04-pytorch.tgz - pi-gen add-on build script and apt package list to build pytorch. Untar inside the pi-gen/stage2 directory to build pytorch and vision.