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Key Bindings

Le Liu edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 17 revisions

Snip Only

Key Command
Tab Toggle between window detection and element detection
` or ! Show/Hide the captured mouse cursor
Ctrl + A Set the snipping area to fullscreen
R Set the snipping area to the same as your last successful snip
, Switch to the previous snip record
. Switch to the next snip record
Ctrl + ↑ ← ↓ → Enlarge the snipping area by 1 pixel
Shift + ↑ ← ↓ → Shrink the snipping area by 1 pixel
Ctrl + T Paste the screenshot to the screen directly
Enter Copy the screenshot and quit snipping
Esc Abort snipping
Mouse right-click Re-decide the snipping area / abort snipping

Paste Only

Key Command
1 Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees
2 Rotate the image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees
3 Flip the image horizontally
4 Flip the image vertically
5 Toggle grayscale conversion [PRO]
Esc Hide the paint bar or close the image window
Shift + Esc Destroy the image window
Ctrl + W Close the image window
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy the plain text (if this image is converted from text)
Ctrl + V Replace the image with the content in the clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + P Open the Preferences Dialog


Key Command
Alt Show the magnifier if it is not visible
Shift Toggle the color formats if the magnifier is visible
C Copy the color value if the magnifier is visible
W S A D Move the cursor by 1 pixel
↑ ← ↓ → Move the snipping area/image window by 1 pixel if not editing
Space Show/Hide the paint bar
Ctrl + Z Undo the last edit (can be redone later)
Ctrl + Shift + Z Remove all edits (cannot be undone)
Ctrl + C Copy the image
Ctrl + Y Restore the next edit
Ctrl + S Save the image as a file
Ctrl + Shift + S Save the image to the Quick Save folder
Ctrl + P Send the image to the printer
Mouse right-click Finish editing current shape when in edit mode
Mouse scroll or 1/2 Decrease/Increase the pen width when in edit mode


Getting Started

PRO Features

Advanced Tips

Command Line Options

Advanced Configs



Key Bindings


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