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Releases: SnowdogApps/magento2-frontools


07 Nov 20:44
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  • Dropped support for using gulp directly, all tasks need to be used via yarn [taskName] or npm run [taskName]
  • Rewritten ESLint task, integrated with watch and dev tasks
  • Added option to set a custom Babel config
  • New default config for Babel and Browserlist, that targets only most popular browsers in North America and Europe (no IE11)
  • Magepack tasks throws now more meaningful errors if required params were not set
  • Added support for Node.js v16, dropped  for Node.js v12
  • All dependencies got update to the latest version
  • Native ESM is now used internaly instead of pollified version

1.11.0 - Magepack support

16 Nov 23:16
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  • magepackGenerate and magepackBundle tasks - you don't need to install globally Magepack CLI anymore to optimize your theme performance
  • Option to import .js config files via getConfig helper


  • Minor dependencies bump


05 Nov 14:28
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Bump node-sass to v5.0.0 supported by Node.js v14.


27 Oct 15:05
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  • Option to use Dart Sass compiler - Since Node Sass is now deprecated, we are adding an option to switch to Dart Sass. Unfortunately, Dart Sass doesn't support all Node Sass features, so for now we will keep the older solution as default, to simplify the migration process.
  • Node.js v14 LTS support added


18 Sep 14:49
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  • Allow imports from root node_modules for scss - #356 thanks to @GrimLink
  • Refactor eslint task - #396
  • dependencies update - 920e915


09 Jan 10:59
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  • Not working dev, never ending browser sync initialization process- #365 #370


  • Dependencies update

Gulp 4.x - Node.js LTS 12.x support

14 Nov 09:47
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Breaking changes

  • email-fix task was renamed to emailfix. To keep backward compatibility you can still use old naming via npm scripts yarn email-fix or npm run email-fix
  • AT themes.json in postcss config of the theme, you shouldn't use plugins.something anymore, but just something. Although, all dependencies are no longer automatically available everywhere, so if you wish to use some additional PostCSS plugin, you need to import it manually in helpers/scss.js file. Please check sample config

Under the hood changes

  • Rewrite to Gulp 4.x - ES Modules, cleaner code and other cool stuff
  • Node.js 12.x (active LTS) support
  • Dependencies clean up and update, including vulnerability fixes


13 Jul 00:42
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  • support for multiple BrowserSync instances - #341
  • option to set any path as dest - #350
  • fixed issue when dependencies were installed via npm - #349 #348 #346
  • dependencies update - #355
  • Supported Node.js version limited to current LTS
  • Under the hood refactoring mostly related to code style


18 Dec 14:12
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  • babel task now saves source maps to separate files, also in production mode - #335
  • new email-fix task to solve problems with inline emails styles on older Magento 2 versions - #247
  • Babel upgraded to 7.x - #343
  • Lots of dependencies upgrades
  • npm-shrinkwrap.json added to make npm installs safer
  • Required Node.js version set to >=8.9.0 <11.0.0 to target active LTS versions

1.5.0 - Rewritten watch task and new svg task

18 Jun 00:27
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  • rewritten watch task now handles also adding, removing, moving and renaming files on the fly. Also, issues related to nested SASS imports and hanging watcher should be now eliminated.
  • new svg task to easily generate SVG icons sprites
  • #208 - ability to disable adding .min to output files, while using --prod flag
  • dropped support for localeOverwrites, due to implementation complexity and ability to easily replace it with new child theme created just for these overwrites
  • partial Windows OS support dropped, due to implementation complexity and lack of the willingness to invest time on maintenance OS not supported by Magento platform
  • deploy and browser-sync task removed