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damienmarchal committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 131d9cd commit 24bef4c
Showing 1 changed file with 387 additions and 0 deletions.
387 changes: 387 additions & 0 deletions tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Autogenerate python wrapper for SOFA objects.
import re
import sys, os
import pprint
import argparse

import Sofa
import Sofa.Simulation

# some data field cannot have names as this is a python keywoards.
reserved = ["in", "with", "for", "if", "def", "class", "global"]

def sofa_to_python_typename(name, short=False):
t = {"string":"str",
"bool": "bool",
"TagSet" : "object",
"BoundingBox" : "object",
"ComponentState" : "object",
"RGBAColor" : "object",
"OptionsGroup" : "object",
"Material" : "object",
"DisplayFlags" : "object",
"d" : "float",
"f" : "float",
"i" : "int",
"I" : "int",
"L" : "int",
"l" : "int",
"b" : "int",
"LinkPath" : "LinkPath"

SofaArray = "TypeHints.SofaArray"
if short:
SofaArray = "TypeHints.SofaArray"

if name in t:
return t[name]
elif "Rigid" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "vector" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "set" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "Vec" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "Mat" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "Quat" in name:
return SofaArray
elif "map" in name:
return "object"
elif "fixed_array" in name:
return SofaArray
raise Exception("Missing type name,... ", name)

def sofa_datafields_to_constructor_arguments_list(data_fields, object_name, has_template=True):
#{'defaultValue': '0',
# 'group': '',
# 'help': 'if true, handle the events, otherwise ignore '
# 'the events',
# 'name': 'listening',
# 'type': 'bool'},
required_data_fields = []
optional_data_fields = []

for data_field in data_fields:
name = data_field["name"]
if name in reserved:
print(f"Warning: {object_name} contains a the data field named '{name}' which is also a python keyword")

if " " in name:
print(f"Warning: this is an invalid arguments name: '{name}'")

if len(name) == 0:
print("Warning: empty data field empty name")

if data_field["isRequired"]:

result_params = ""
if has_template:
result_params = "template: Optional[str] = None, "
result_params += ",".join([data["name"]+": "+sofa_to_python_typename(data["type"]) for data in required_data_fields])
result_params += ",".join([data["name"]+": Optional["+sofa_to_python_typename(data["type"])+"] = None" for data in optional_data_fields])

ordered_fields = sorted(data_fields, key=lambda x: x["name"])

all = "\n ".join( [ data["name"]+" ("+sofa_to_python_typename(data["type"], short=True)+"): " + data["help"] for data in ordered_fields])
all += "\n template (str): the type of degree of freedom"
return result_params, all

def sofa_datafields_to_doc(data_fields):
p = ""
for data in data_fields:
name = data["name"]
help = data["help"]
if len(name) == 0:
if " " in name:

if name in reserved:
p += "\t\t " + name + ": " + help + " (NB: use the kwargs syntax as name is a reserved word in python)\n\n"
p += "\t\t " + name + ": " + help + "\n\n"

return p

def clean_sofa_text(t):
t = t.replace("\n","")
t = t.replace("'", "")
return t

def sofa_datafields_to_typehints(data_fields, mode="Sofa"):
p = ""
p2 = ""
for data in data_fields:
name = data["name"]
help = clean_sofa_text(data["help"])
type = sofa_to_python_typename(data["type"])
if len(name) == 0:

if " " in name:

if name in reserved:
p += " " + name + ": " + help + " (NB: use the kwargs syntax as name is a reserved word in python)\n\n"
p += f" {name}: Data[{type}] \n '{help}'\n\n"
p2 += f" {name}: Optional[{type} | LinkPath] = None \n '{help}'\n\n"

return p, p2

def make_all_init_files(root_dir):
entries = {}
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_dir):
# Test if the root_dir and the dirpath are the same to skip first entry
# This could be implemented by using [os.walk(root_dir)][1:] but in that case
# python type hints get lost on my version 3.10. Maybe in a future python release
# this case will be handled
if os.path.abspath(root_dir) == os.path.abspath(dirpath):

initfile = open(dirpath + "/", "wt")
res = []
fres = []
fres2 = []
for d in dirnames:
for f in filenames:
if f.endswith(".py") and f != "":
listc = ""
for r in res:
listc += " " + str(r) + "\n"

initfile.write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n")
Sofa Component %s
""" % (os.path.basename(dirpath), listc))

def wrapper_code(class_name, description, data_list, properties_doc,
class_typehints, params_typehints,
properties_doc = ""
return f"""
class {class_name}(Object):
def __init__(self, {constructor_params_typehints}):
class Parameters:
\"\"\"Parameter for the construction of the {class_name} component\"\"\"
def to_dict(self):
return dataclasses.asdict(self)
def new_parameters() -> Parameters:
return {class_name}.Parameters()

def documentation_code(class_name):
return """
Component %s
.. autofunction:: %s
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
import Sofa
from Sofa.Core import Object, LinkPath
from Sofa.Component.TypeHints import Data, Optional, SofaArray
import dataclasses
""" % (class_name, class_name)

def select_single_template(template_list):
""" returns a single template"""
for dim in ["Vec3", "Rigid3", "Vec2", "Rigid2", "Vec1", "Quatd"]:
for template in template_list:
if "Cuda" not in template and dim in template:
return template

for template in template_list:
return template

return ""

def create_typhint(pathname):
from pathlib import Path
path = Path(pathname).parent
if not os.path.exists(str(path)):
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Optional as __optional__
import numpy.typing
from Sofa.Core import Node, Object, LinkPath
import numpy
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
T = TypeVar("T", bound=object)
# This is a generic type 'T' implemented without PEP 695 (as it needs python 3.12)
class Data(Generic[T]):
linkpath: LinkPath
value: T
Optional = __optional__
SofaArray = numpy.ndarray | list
with open(pathname,"w") as w:

from pprint import pprint

def load_component_list(target_name):
import json
import Sofa
import Sofa.Core
import SofaRuntime

if target_name in ["Sofa"]:
# The binding is not a sofa plugin.
print("Loading a python module")
print("Loading a sofa plugin")

json = json.loads(Sofa.Core.ObjectFactory.dump_json())

selected_entries = []
for item in json:
selected_item = None
for type, entry in item["creator"].items():
if entry["target"].startswith(target_name):
for data in entry["object"]["data"]:
data["isRequired"] = True
selected_item = item

if selected_item:

print("Number of objects ", len(json))
print("Number of selected objects ", len(selected_entries))

return selected_entries

def create_stubs(code_model, target_path):
blacklist = ["RequiredPlugin"]

template_nodes = dict()
not_created_objects = list()

create_typhint(target_path + "Sofa/Component/")

for entry in code_model:
data = {}

class_name = entry["className"]
entry_templates = [n for n in entry["creator"].keys()]
description = entry["description"]

selected_template = select_single_template(entry_templates)
selected_entry = entry["creator"][selected_template]
selected_class = selected_entry["class"]
selected_object = selected_entry["object"]
selected_target = selected_entry["target"]

if len(selected_target) == 0:
selected_target = "unknown_target"

object_name = class_name + "<" + selected_template + ">"
if object_name in blacklist or class_name in blacklist:
print("Skipping ", object_name)

data = selected_object["data"] # obj.getDataFields()
links = selected_object["link"]
target = selected_target

#load_existing_stub(selected_target, class_name)

arguments_list, constructor_params_doc = sofa_datafields_to_constructor_arguments_list(data, object_name, len(entry_templates) > 0)
params_doc = sofa_datafields_to_doc(data)
class_typehint, params_typehint = sofa_datafields_to_typehints(data)
code = wrapper_code(class_name, description.strip(), arguments_list, params_doc,
class_typehint, params_typehint,
arguments_list, constructor_params_doc)

pathname = target_path + target.replace(".","/") + "/"
full_component_name = target + "." + class_name

# Creates the destination directory if needed.
os.makedirs(pathname, exist_ok=True)

outfile = open(pathname + class_name + ".py", "wt")
outfile.write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n")

if full_component_name in code_model:
raise Exception("Already existing entry")

# In every directory, scan the object that are in and generates an file
return code_model

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generates python stubs that describes sofa components that have no binding')
parser.add_argument('--target_name', default="Sofa.Component")
parser.add_argument('--output_directory', default="out/")
args = parser.parse_args()

target_name = args.target_name
output_directory = args.output_directory

print(f"Generating SOFA's components python interfaces for {target_name}")

components = load_component_list(target_name)
create_stubs(components, output_directory)

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