This is a code kata for practising writing readable tests.
- Java 11
- Leiningen, a build tool for Clojure projects
- IDE or editor with Clojure support
- Cursive plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- It has 30 day trial, which is enough for this exercise, and you can get a free license for non-commercial stuff.
- It's recommended to enable the Parinfer
structural editing mode. When a Clojure file is open, select
Edit > Structural Editing > Toggle Structural Editing Style
a couple of times, until you see the message "Parinfer Indent Mode" pop up next to your cursor.
- appropriate plugin for some other editor
- Cursive plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Run tests once
lein test
Run tests always when a file is changed
lein autotest
This project implements the rules of Uno, a card game. Your assignment is to focus on writing as readable tests as possible. You have two options.
Option 1: Write new tests without looking at the existing tests in this project.
Option 2: Refactor the existing tests to be better.