This repository contains the source code for the upload form web application. The application has been developed to solve a one of my own problems and is supposed to be used to provide a drop only upload form to collect files. The files can only be retrieved manually from the server.
I've added a docker image to package the application with all the necessary dependencies in one single container. The docker image is built with the following command:
docker build . -t softbrix/upload_app
After a successful build can you use then the provided docker-compose.yml to spin up the instance.
docker-compose up -d
The application needs a config_server.json file with information regarding the upload folders. The default folder will be ./data/ but can be change to anything else. The application also needs a config_client.js file. This can be altered to update the language or the descriptions in the application.
I strongly suggest you to add the necessary configuration for the recaptcha to work. Especially if this application is used in an internet facing environment. You need to register the domain at: If you start the server without configuring recaptcha, then you need to provide a force (-f) flag to the command line.