A tool to ease the handling of program arguments/options
import static se.softhouse.jargo.Arguments.*;
String[] args = {"--enable-logging", "--listen-port", "8090", "Hello"};
Argument<?> helpArgument = helpArgument("-h", "--help"); //Will throw when -h is encountered
Argument<Boolean> enableLogging = optionArgument("-l", "--enable-logging")
.description("Output debug information to standard out").build();
Argument<String> greetingPhrase = stringArgument()
.description("A greeting phrase to greet new connections with").build();
Argument<List<Integer>> ports = integerArgument("-p", "--listen-port")
.description("The port clients should connect to.")
.limitTo(Range.closed(0, 65536))
ParsedArguments arguments = CommandLineParser.withArguments(greetingPhrase, enableLogging, ports)
System.out.println("Logging enabled: " + arguments.get(enableLogging));
System.out.println("Ports: " + arguments.get(ports));
System.out.println("Greeting visitors with: " + arguments.get(greetingPhrase));
catch(ArgumentException exception)
For more examples see the Javadoc
Common-test (optional) Javadoc
Version <= 0.4.1 (used Guava)
From version 0.4.2 and onwards this library requires jdk 8 and Guava was removed as a dependency. This made this library even more lightweight (179K, no external dependencies). Especially useful as command line tools are often distributed, so the small file-size can be useful. If you want to go even further in reducing the filesize of your program, you can try out Proguard
for writing yet another argument parsing library (see Is there a good command line argument parser for Java? for others)
Because type-safety, immutability and readability matters
Compared to annotation based solutions (like JCommander) jargo can be updated at runtime to support more arguments
The generics on Argument gives you compile-time errors when switching types
In JCommander:
@Parameter(names = "-file", converter = FileConverter.class) File file; //Oops, changing this to int would not work very well with FileConverter
In jargo:
Arguments.fileArgument("-file").parse("-file", "filename.txt").createNewFile();
if fileArgument would change to being integerArgument, trying to call createNewFile() would generate a compile-time error
Because JCommander doesn't support repeated arguments other than List<String>
String[] args = {"--numbers", "5", "6", "--numbers", "3", "4"}; Argument<List<List<Integer>>> numbers = Arguments.integerArgument("--numbers").arity(2).repeated().build();
Reflection makes it hard to analyze references to classes/methods and it often requires a granted suppressAccessChecks from the SecurityManager, this may not be wanted. No reflection is used in jargo.