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PHP driver for Tarantool 1.6 and 1.7

This is a PECL PHP driver for Tarantool 1.6 and 1.7.

If you need this driver for Tarantool 1.5, check out the stable branch.

Table of contents

Installing and building

Installing from PEAR

The tarantool-php driver has its own PEAR repository. You can install it from PEAR with just a few commands:

pecl channel-discover
pecl install Tarantool-PHP/Tarantool-beta

Building from source

To build and install the tarantool-php driver from source, you need:

  • PHP version 5 (no less than 5.3.0, but strictly under 6.0.0);
  • php5-dev package (the package should contain a utility named phpize);
  • php-pear package.

For example, to build and install the driver on Ubuntu, the commands may be as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-cli
$ sudo apt-get install php5-dev
$ sudo apt-get install php-pear
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd tarantool-php
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

At this point, there is a file named ~/tarantool-php/modules/ PHP will only find it if the PHP initialization file php.ini contains a line like extension=./, or if PHP is started with the option -d extension=~/tarantool-php/modules/


To run tests, the Tarantool server and PHP/PECL package are required.

$ ./

The program will automatically find and start Tarantool and then run phpunit.phar based tests. If Tarantool is not defined in the PATH environment variable, you can define it in the TARANTOOL_BOX_PATH environment variable.

$ TARANTOOL_BOX_PATH=/path/to/tarantool/bin/tarantool ./

Building RPM/DEB/PECL packages

For building packages, please see

IDE autocompletion

Stubs are available at tarantool/tarantool-php-stubs. Place the contents in the project library path in your IDE.

Configuration reference

In the configuration file, you can set the following parameters:

  • tarantool.persistent - enable persistent connections (don't close connections between sessions) (default: True, cannot be changed at runtime);
  • tarantool.timeout - connection timeout (default: 10.0 seconds, can be changed at runtime);
  • tarantool.retry_count - count of retries for connecting (default: 1, can be changed at runtime);
  • tarantool.retry_sleep - sleep between connecting retries (default: 0.1 seconds, can be changed at runtime);
  • tarantool.request_timeout - read/write timeout for requests (default: 10.0 seconds, can be changed at runtime).

API reference

Inside this section:

Predefined constants

Description: Available Tarantool constants.

  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ - "equality" iterator (ALL);
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_REQ - "reverse equality" iterator;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_ALL - get all tuples;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_LT - "less than" iterator;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_LE - "less than or equal" iterator;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_GE - "greater than or equal" iterator;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_GT - "greater than" iterator;
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ALL_SET - check if all given bits are set (BITSET only);
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ANY_SET - check if any given bits are set (BITSET only);
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ALL_NOT_SET - check if all given bits are not set (BITSET only);
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_OVERLAPS - find points in an n-dimension cube (RTREE only);
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_NEIGHBOR - find the nearest points (RTREE only).

Class Tarantool

Tarantool {
     public Tarantool::__construct ( [ string $host = 'localhost' 
[, int $port = 3301 [, string $user = "guest" [, string $password = NULL 
[, string $persistent_id = NULL ] ] ] ] ] )
     public bool Tarantool::connect ( void )
     public bool Tarantool::disconnect ( void )
     public bool Tarantool::flushSchema ( void )
     public bool Tarantool::ping ( void )
     public array Tarantool::select (mixed $space [, mixed $key = 
array() [, mixed $index = 0 [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX [, int $offset = 
0 [, $iterator = Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ ] ] ] ] ] )
     public array Tarantool::insert (mixed $space, array $tuple)
     public array Tarantool::replace (mixed $space, array $tuple)
     public array Tarantool::call (string $procedure [, mixed args] )
     public array Tarantool::evaluate (string $expression [, mixed args] )
     public array Tarantool::delete (mixed $space, mixed $key [, mixed 
$index] )
     public array Tarantool::update (mixed $space, mixed $key, array 
$ops [, number $index] )
     public array Tarantool::upsert (mixed $space, mixed $key, array 
$ops [, number $index] )


public Tarantool::__construct ( [ string $host = 'localhost' [, int 
$port = 3301 [, string $user = "guest" [, string $password = NULL [, 
string $persistent_id = NULL ] ] ] ] ] )

Description: Creates a Tarantool client.


  • host: string, default: 'localhost';
  • port: number, default : 3301;
  • user: string, default: 'guest';
  • password: string;
  • persistent_id: string (if set, then the connection will be persistent, unless the tarantool.persistent parameter is set in the configuration file).

Return value: Tarantool class instance


$tnt = new Tarantool(); // -> new Tarantool('localhost', 3301);
$tnt = new Tarantool(''); // -> new 
Tarantool('', 3301);
$tnt = new Tarantool('localhost', 16847);

Connection manipulations

Notice that Tarantool::connect, Tarantool::open (an alias for connect) and Tarantool::reconnect are deprecated as any other connection-related instructions now cause an automatic connect.

To initiate and/or test connection, please use Tarantool::ping.


public bool Tarantool::disconnect ( void )

Description: Explicitly close a connection to the Tarantool server. If persistent connections are in use, then the connection will be saved in the connection pool. You can also use an alias for this method, Tarantool::close.

Return value: BOOL: True


public bool Tarantool::flushSchema ( void )

Description: Remove the cached space/index schema that was queried from the client.

Return value: BOOL: True


public bool Tarantool::ping ( void )

Description: Ping the Tarantool server. Using ping is also the recommended way to initiate and/or test a connection.

Return value: BOOL: True and raises Exception on error.

Database queries


public array Tarantool::select(mixed $space [, mixed $key = array() [, 
mixed $index = 0 [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX [, int $offset = 0 [, 
$iterator = Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ ] ] ] ] ] )

Description: Execute a select query on the Tarantool server.


  • space: String/Number, Space ID to select from (mandatory);
  • key: String/Number or Array, key to select (default: Array() i.e. an empty array which selects everything in the space);
  • index: String/Number, Index ID to select from (default: 0);
  • limit: Number, the maximum number of tuples to return (default: INT_MAX, a large value);
  • offset: Number, offset to select from (default: 0);
  • iterator: Constant, iterator type. See Predefined constants for more information (default: Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ). You can also use strings 'eq', 'req', 'all', 'lt', 'le', 'ge', 'gt', 'bits_all_set', 'bits_any_set', 'bits_all_not_set', 'overlaps', 'neighbor', 'bits_all_set', 'bits_any_set', 'bits_all_not_set' (in either lowercase or uppercase) instead of constants.

Return value:

  • Array of arrays: in case of success - a list of tuples that satisfy the request, or an empty array if nothing was found;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


// Selects everything from space 'test'
// Selects from space 'test' by primary key with id == 1
$tnt->select("test", 1);
// Same effect as the previous statement
$tnt->select("test", array(1));
// Selects from space 'test' by secondary key from index 'isec' and == 
{1, 'hello'}
$tnt->select("test", array(1, "hello"), "isec");
// Selects 100 tuples from space 'test' after skipping 100 tuples
$tnt->select("test", null, null, 100, 100);
// Selects 100 tuples from space 'test' after skipping 100 tuples,
// in reverse equality order.
// Reverse searching goes backward from index end, so this means:
// select penultimate hundred tuples.
$tnt->select("test", null, null, 100, 100, Tarantool::ITERATOR_REQ);

Tarantool::insert, Tarantool::replace

public array Tarantool::insert(mixed $space, array $tuple)
public array Tarantool::replace(mixed $space, array $tuple)

Description: Insert (if there is no tuple with the same primary key) or Replace tuple.


  • space: String/Number, Space ID to select from (mandatory);
  • tuple: Array, Tuple to Insert/Replace (mandatory).

Return value:

  • Array in case of success - the tuple that was inserted;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


// This will succeed, because no tuples with primary key == 1 are in space 'test'.
$tnt->insert("test", array(1, 2, "something"));
// This will fail, because we have just inserted a tuple with primary key == 1.
// The error will be ER_TUPLE_FOUND.
$tnt->insert("test", array(1, 3, "something completely different"));
// This will succeed, because Replace has no problem with duplicate keys.
$tnt->replace("test", array(1, 3, "something completely different"));


public array Tarantool::call(string $procedure [, mixed args])

Description: Call a stored procedure.


  • procedure: String, procedure to call (mandatory);
  • args: Any value to pass to the procedure as arguments (default: empty).

Return value:

  • Array of arrays in case of success - tuples that were returned by the procedure;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


$tnt->call("test_3", array(3, 4));


public array Tarantool::evaluate(string $expression [, mixed args])

Description: Evaluate the Lua code in $expression. The current user must have the 'execute' privilege on 'universe' in Tarantool.


  • expression: String, Lua code to evaluate (mandatory);
  • args: Any value to pass to the procedure as arguments (default: empty).

Return value:

  • Any value that was returned from the evaluated code;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


$tnt->evaluate("return test_2()");
$tnt->evaluate("return test_3(...)", array(3, 4));


public array Tarantool::delete(mixed $space, mixed $key [, mixed $index])

Description: Delete a tuple with a given key.


  • space: String/Number, Space ID to delete from (mandatory);
  • key: String/Number or Array, key of the tuple to be deleted (mandatory);
  • index: String/Number, Index ID to delete from (default: 0).

Return value:

  • Array in case of success - the tuple that was deleted;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


// The following code will delete all tuples from space `test`
$tuples = $tnt->select("test");
foreach($tuples as $value) {
     $tnt->delete("test", array($value[0]));


public array Tarantool::update(mixed $space, mixed $key, array $ops [, 
number $index] )

Description: Update a tuple with a given key (in Tarantool, an update can apply multiple operations to a tuple).


  • space: String/Number, Space ID to select from (mandatory);
  • key: Array/Scalar, Key to match the tuple with (mandatory);
  • ops: Array of Arrays, Operations to execute if the tuple was found.


<serializable> - any simple type which converts to MsgPack (scalar/array).

  • Splice operation - take field'th field, replace length bytes from offset byte with 'list':
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => ":",
      "offset"=> <number>,
      "length"=> <number>,
      "list" => <string>
  • Numeric operations:
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => ("+"|"-"|"&"|"^"|"|"),
      "arg" => <number>
    • "+" for addition
    • "-" for subtraction
    • "&" for bitwise AND
    • "^" for bitwise XOR
    • "|" for bitwise OR
  • Delete arg fields from 'field':
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => "#",
      "arg" => <number>
  • Replace/Insert before operations:
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => ("="|"!"),
      "arg" => <serializable>
    • "=" replace field'th field with 'arg'
    • "=" insert 'arg' before field'th field
     "field" => <number>,
     "op" => ":",
     "offset"=> <number>,
     "length"=> <number>,
     "list" => <string>
     "field" => <number>,
     "op" => ("+"|"-"|"&"|"^"|"|"),
     "arg" => <number>
     "field" => <number>,
     "op" => "#",
     "arg" => <number>
     "field" => <number>,
     "op" => ("="|"!"),
     "arg" => <serializable>

Return value:

  • Array in case of success - the tuple after it was updated;
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error.


$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
     "field" => 1,
     "op" => "+",
     "arg" => 16
     "field" => 3,
     "op" => "=",
     "arg" => 98
     "field" => 4,
     "op" => "=",
     "arg" => 0x11111,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
     "field" => 3,
     "op" => "-",
     "arg" => 10
     "field" => 4,
     "op" => "&",
     "arg" => 0x10101,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
     "field" => 4,
     "op" => "^",
     "arg" => 0x11100,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
     "field" => 4,
     "op" => "|",
     "arg" => 0x00010,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
     "field" => 2,
     "op" => ":",
     "offset" => 2,
     "length" => 2,
     "list" => "rrance and phillipe show"


public array Tarantool::upsert(mixed $space, array $tuple, array $ops [, 
number $index] )

Description: Update or Insert command (if a tuple with primary key == PK('tuple') exists, then the tuple will be updated with 'ops', otherwise 'tuple' will be inserted).


  • space: String/Number, Space ID to select from (mandatory);
  • tuple: Array, Tuple to Insert (mandatory);
  • ops: Array of Arrays, Operations to execute if tuple was found. Operations are described earlier, in Tarantool::update.

Return value:

  • In simple cases, even if there is an error, it will throw no error and will return nothing.
  • In some cases, it will return something, see Tarantool documentation.
  • BOOL: False and raises Exception on error (in some cases).


$tnt->upsert("test", array(124, 10, "new tuple"), array(
     "field" => 1,
     "op" => "+",
     "arg" => 10


  • Global constants, e.g. TARANTOOL_ITER_<name>;
  • Tarantool::authenticate method, please provide credentials in the constructor instead;
  • Tarantool::connect, Tarantool::open (an alias for connect) and Tarantool::reconnect methods as any other connection-related instructions now cause an automatic connect;
  • Tarantool::eval method, please use the evaluate method instead;
  • Tarantool::flush_schema method, deprecated in favor of flushSchema;
  • configuration parameter tarantool.con_per_host, deprecated and removed.


PECL PHP driver for Tarantool







No packages published


  • C 72.7%
  • PHP 15.6%
  • Python 9.3%
  • Lua 1.6%
  • Other 0.8%