A wrapper for an emscripted version of ffmpeg to extract the audio tracks from media containers. It includes custom builds for 'wav'.
npm install --save sonarvio-converter
- minimal API surface for '.exec', '.info' and '.transform'
- automatic queue system for scheduling re-used workers
- transparent migration for usage with proxy for CORS handling
For a better integration with existing projects using webpack the actual script files for the workers are excluded. They have to be provided as an argument through the constructor.
// local
var Converter = require('sonarvio-converter')
var converter = new Converter({
types: {
webm: '<FILE_TO_WORKER_SCRIPT>' // e.g. require(file!ffmpeg.js/ffmpeg-worker-webm)
converter.exec('webm', '-version').then(function(){
console.log('shown infos');
name: 'example.webm',
data: ....
}, {
name: 'result.opus'
}).then(function (track) {
// remote
var Converter = require('sonarvio-converter')
var converter = new Converter({
proxy: 'http://sonarvio.com/__/proxy.html'
converter.info('webm').then(function (info) {