A demo app using the SwiftPasskeyKit functionality to create and manage smart wallets on soroban.
First, clone this repo.
Then, to use the demo app, you must first build the smart wallet contract from the /contracts
folder of the passkey kit project, that can be found here:
cd contracts
make build
Next, install the contract using the stellar-cli. E.g.:
cd out
stellar contract install --source-account alice --wasm smart_wallet.optimized.wasm --rpc-url https://soroban-testnet.stellar.org --network-passphrase 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015'
You will obtain the wasm_hash
of the installed contract that will look similar to this:
In the source code of the app, navigate to Constants.swift
and update the constant walletWasmHash
by filling the value with the obtained wasm_hash
Also update the other constant in Constants.swift
as described in the following chapters.
is the name of the domain hosting your apple-app-site-association (AASA) file. You can read more about how to create and deploy your AASA file here.
Hint: Replace also the domain in the associated domains entitlement of your cloned app.
is the url of the soroban rpc server to be used for requests and to send transactions to soroban.
E.g. https://soroban-testnet.stellar.org
is the url of the horizon instance to be used for requests and to send transactions to the stellar network. E.g. https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org
is the network to be used. E.g. for testnet: Network.testnet
is the secret seed of the stellar account that is used to sign and send transactions. Make sure that the account is funded.
is the contract id of the XLM SAC to make transfers (payments). For example CDLZFC3SYJYDZT7K67VZ75HPJVIEUVNIXF47ZG2FB2RMQQVU2HHGCYSC
on testnet.
is the secret seed of a stellar account keypair to be used as a signer for the ed25519Signer demo.
is the contract id of a deployed policy contract to be used in the policy demo. An example policy contract can be found in in the /contracts
folder of the SwiftPasskeyKit project.
Make yourself familiar with the smart wallet contracts from the /contracts
folder of the SwiftPasskeyKit project. They were implemented by kalepail as a part of the TypeScript PasskeyKit, also provided by kalepail.
After deploying your AASA file and filling the Constants.swift
values, start the app and create a new wallet. After the app connects to the new created wallet, you will find the demo functionality to interact with the wallet.
Use the source code, to understand how the demo app uses the SwiftPasskeyKit.