#parcel -Dev Build -Local Server -HMR = Hot Module Replacement -File Watching Algorithm - written in c++ -catching -faster builds -Image optimisation // most expensive thing in a web browser is to load images in your page if you use parces it will use image optimization -Minification of file -Bundling -compression of file -Consistent Hashing -Code Splitting -Diffrential Bundling- to support older browser -Diagnostic -Error Handling -Https -Tree shaking - remove unused code -Different dev and prod bundles while we create build for production (npx parcel build index.html) we get an error "main": "index.js", in package.json file it's a way to tell npm that it's entry point in our app so we will remove this from our package.json file
//project making
- Header -logo -Nav Items
- Body -Search-Bar -RestaurantContainer -Restaurant-Card -Img -Name Of Restaurant, Star Rating, cuisins etc *Footer -copyright -Links -Address -Contact-Info and other info
// there are two types of routing you can have in your application(web-apps) 1-client side routing 2-server side routing ** Class based component a class based components is a class which extend react.component and it has a render method which return some peice of jsx
** functional Based component functinal component is a fun that return some jsx
-Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux -Build our store -connect our store to our app -build our slice(cart-slice) -dispatch(action) -selector
React Testing Library(use Jest) Jest
-Install React Testing Library -Install Jest -Installed Babel dependencies and configured babel -configure parcel config to disable default babel transpilation -Jest Configuration( npx jest --init ) -install jsdom library --Install @babel/preset-react -to make jsx work in test cases -include @bable/preset-react inside my babel config -Install @testing-library/jest-dom