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RoboFriends is a responsive single page web application, allowing users to filter the Robots results data via the search form.
The app utilizes Hooks with Redux for state management.
Unit tests and snapshot testing were carried out using the React Testing Library and Jest.
Created with React App, connecting to a mock API from JSON Placeholder via a Fetch statement.
The CSS is implemented with the Tachyons NPM module (which uses a custom abbreviated CSS Class method to apply styling to elements).
Finally, RoboHash is used for generating the Robot Avatars.
This app is also 100% rated by Google Lighthouse testing (desktop).
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Andrei Neagoie and his course. Also, thanks to the Z2M Discord channel for providing additional support too.
Project features:
- Initial Loading Status
- Filter results using search form
- Responsive
- 100% rated on Google Lighthouse testing (desktop)