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This project analyzes the interactions that users have with articles on the IBM Watson Studio platform, and make recommendations to them about new articles you think they will like.

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Recommendations with IBM


For this project you will analyze the interactions that users have with articles on the IBM Watson Studio platform, and make recommendations to them about new articles you think they will like. All tasks are done within a jupyter notebook.


All scripts and python source codes are tested under osx and linux only.

Initialize the python environment

You do not want to polute your local environment with new python libraries. Instead you should create a virtual python environment in the current directory. The only requirement is that python3 is preinstalled on your local system. Then just run:

python3 -m venv venv

And activate the virtual environment in your current shell:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Now you can install the needed python libraries:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pylint
pip install autopep8
pip install pandas
pip install jupyterlab
pip install matplotlib
pip install plotly
pip install nbconvert

Start jupyter notebook

To start a jupyter notebook web session invoke the following command:

jupyter notebook

Jupter notebook content

Exploratory Data Analysis

Before making recommendations of any kind, you will need to explore the data you are working with for the project. Dive in to see what you can find. There are some basic, required questions to be answered about the data you are working with throughout the rest of the notebook. Use this space to explore, before you dive into the details of your recommendation system in the later sections.

Rank Based Recommendations

To get started in building recommendations, you will first find the most popular articles simply based on the most interactions. Since there are no ratings for any of the articles, it is easy to assume the articles with the most interactions are the most popular. These are then the articles we might recommend to new users (or anyone depending on what we know about them).

User-User Based Collaborative Filtering

In order to build better recommendations for the users of IBM's platform, we could look at users that are similar in terms of the items they have interacted with. These items could then be recommended to the similar users. This would be a step in the right direction towards more personal recommendations for the users. You will implement this next.

Content Based Recommendations (EXTRA - NOT REQUIRED)

Given the amount of content available for each article, there are a number of different ways in which someone might choose to implement a content based recommendations system. Using your NLP skills, you might come up with some extremely creative ways to develop a content based recommendation system. You are encouraged to complete a content based recommendation system, but not required to do so to complete this project.

Matrix Factorization

Finally, you will complete a machine learning approach to building recommendations. Using the user-item interactions, you will build out a matrix decomposition. Using your decomposition, you will get an idea of how well you can predict new articles an individual might interact with (spoiler alert - it isn't great). You will finally discuss which methods you might use moving forward, and how you might test how well your recommendations are working for engaging users. Before you submit your work, check the RUBRIC to make sure you meet all of the rubric items.


This project analyzes the interactions that users have with articles on the IBM Watson Studio platform, and make recommendations to them about new articles you think they will like.






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