This is an easy to use Dockerfile for setting up archpelago with custom ApWorlds (beta games) on your local machine. You can then generate a custom game that you can upload to
Some games require ROM files to be able to be generated.
- Players - Put player yamls here
- Roms - Put roms here
- Worlds - World folders/APWorld files
docker compose up -d
Access the site on http://localhost
Make sure all of your player yamls and roms are added to their respective folders.
docker compose exec archipelago python
Your custom game will be located in the output folder
To play the game on the main archipelago site, you need to create your game with the following URL:
If you want to use another archipelago repo, you can use:
docker compose build --build-arg repo=$REPOURL branch=$BRANCH
If you are adding new Roms or Worlds you need to rebuild the image again
docker compose build
If you want to be able to generate games on your local instance, you need to use network_mode: host in the docker-compose.yaml file, as every game will use a random port for the game.