A Price checker for any site. If the price is lower than before you get notified via email.
Does not update during night time period specified in config. Endtime is always +1 day. Set both times to "00:00" to disable nighttime or set "-n"/ "--nighttime" flag
The regular expression that gets the item price must be inserted into the json file. Example for amazon and alternate.de included. The List id specifies where to find the price in the list returned by regex.findall().
The Email message text can be specified in the config file. %s will be replace by the variables below:
Json Name: MessageText e.g.: Amount of %s %s Order/ Description message_all_time_low Article %s reached an all time low of %s\n%s 3 Article name, New Price, URL to Article
message_changed Article %s price has changed to %s\n%s 3 Article name, New Price, URL to Article
message_title %s Price Alert - %s 2 Article name, New Price
The standart poll interval is set to 1h. If the endless flag is not set a random time between 1 - 10 minutes will be added to the poll-interval.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file
-d, --dump-html Dumps the html in the folder html-dump every time it's been requested.
-p POLL_INTERVAL, --poll-interval POLL_INTERVAL Time in seconds between checks, default 1 hour
-r RANDOM_POLL, --random-poll RANDOM_POLL Random wait time between 0 and input to add to poll-interval
-e, --endless Endless Run
-x, --debug Shows additional debug information and does not send an email
-n, --nighttime Disables, if set in config, the nighttime