Coding query is clone of stakoverflow. Here users can ask any type of coding question and reply to other questions.
Deployed Link :-
• Frontend: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap
• Backend: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB
→ Node Modules: mongoose | bcrypt | cors | dotenv | jsonwebtoken | nodemon | | passport | node-fetch | redis | moment | uuid
- POST /user/register - to register
- POST /user/login - to login
- GET /auth/google/callback - for Google Outh
- GET /question/getAllQuestions - it will show all the questions
- GET /user/getall - get all the users
- POST /question/addquestion - this route is use to post the question
- POST /question/addans - this route is use to post the answer
If You want to give any feedback connect with me on-