Simple end-to-end python script to make cool mosaic posters made from scenes extracted from movies
- Python
- OpenCV
- NumPy
python --videoPath "PATH/TO/VIDEO.mp4" --posterPath "PATH/TO/POSTER.jpg"
Use high-resolution posters for best results.
Since this is a proof of concept which I hacked in an hour for fun, I used the most naive approach I could think of.
* Extract every nth frame from the video, resize it to (tx,ty) and store it in a directory
* Find colour histograms of extracted images and store them in a pickle file
* Iterate over the poster while comparing the histogram of every consecutive block of size (tx,ty) with the histograms stored in the pickle file.
* Replace that block with the most similar scene.
Feel free to experiment with different histogram comparison methods or image similarity measures.
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