A VR controlled robot.
Author: Blaze Sanders - Twitter: @BlazeDSanders
Humon will be the world's first humanoid virtual reality controlled robot in space, using a live streaming 360 degree camera to give everyone the opportunity to experience the truly infinite, boundless universe that we live in.
- https://techcrunch.com/2017/09/08/spacevr-thinks-vr-enabled-robots-are-the-future-for-colonizing-space/
- https://www.uploadvr.com/spacevr-is-building-robots-controlled-by-vr-to-reduce-labor-costs/
This Git repo holds code that will run on a users VR desktop compter. We will continue to update the code base as the mission unfolds.
***HumanUnityProject: A Unity3D project which takes two HTC VIVE controllers as input and outputs both a live streaming (less then 400 ms) 360 degree camera feed (using Unity 5.6 video player) and Kinova robotic arm inverse kinematics motor control commands.
To run the HumanUnityProject code complete the following steps:
- Open "HumanV0_3.unity" scene file w/ Unity3D version 5.6, located at "GitHub\Human\HumanUnityProject\Assets"
- Press the "play" button at the top center of the Unity editor. If it doesn't compile email blaze.d.a.sanders@gmail.com
- Have fun controlling a VR robot
***FutureWork: Long term features we hope to implement.