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A no-dependency Python package for tracking resource usage of processes and system-wide, with a focus on batch jobs like Metaflow steps.


You can install the stable version of the package from PyPI:

pip install resource-tracker

Development version can be installed directly from the repository:

pip install git+

Standalone Usage

The package comes with helper functions and classes for tracking resource usage, such as PidTracker and SystemTracker:

from resource_tracker import SystemTracker
tracker = SystemTracker()

Would track system-wide resource usage, including CPU, memory, GPU, network traffic, disk I/O and space usage every 1 second, and write CSV to the standard output stream by default, e.g.:


This can be redirected to a file by passing a path to the csv_file_path argument, and can use different intervals for sampling via the interval argument.

The PidTracker class tracks resource usage of a running process and its children recursively in a similar manner, although somewhat limited in functionality, as e.g. nvidia-smi pmon can only track up-to 4 GPUs, and network traffic monitoring is not available.

Helpers functions are also provided for tracking memory usage, e.g. get_pid_stats and get_system_stats for current process and system-wide stats -- which are used internally by the above classes after diffing values between subsequent calls. See more details in the API References.

Discovery Helpers

The packages also comes with helpers for discovering the cloud environment and basic server hardware specs. Quick example on an AWS EC2 instance:

from resource_tracker import get_cloud_info, get_server_info
# {'vendor': 'aws', 'instance_type': 'g4dn.xlarge', 'region': 'us-west-2', 'discovery_time': 0.1330404281616211}
# {'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 15788.21, 'gpu_count': 1, 'gpu_names': ['Tesla T4'], 'gpu_memory_mb': 15360.0}

Metaflow Integration

The package also comes with a Metaflow extension for tracking resource usage of Metaflow steps, including the visualization of the collected data in a card with recommended @resources and cheapest cloud server type for future runs.

To get started, import the track_resources decorator from metaflow and use it to decorate your Metaflow steps:

from metaflow import Flow, FlowSpec, step, track_resources

class ResourceTrackingFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):
        print("Starting step")

    def my_sleeping_data(self):
        data = bytearray(500 * 1024 * 1024)  # 500MB

    def end(self):
        print("Step finished")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example output of an auto-generated Metaflow card:

Resource Tracking Card in Metaflow

Example data collected and then stored as an artifact of the step:

from metaflow import Flow
from rich import print as pp

artifact = Flow("ResourceTrackingFlow")
# {
#     'pid_tracker': TinyDataFrame with 9 rows and 12 columns. First row as a dict: {'timestamp': 1741732803.3076203, 'pid': 
# 777691.0, 'children': 3.0, 'utime': 95.0, 'stime': 13.0, 'cpu_usage': 1.0796, 'pss': 563273.0, 'read_bytes': 52260.0, 
# 'write_bytes': 0.0, 'gpu_usage': 0.0, 'gpu_vram': 0.0, 'gpu_utilized': 0.0},
#     'system_tracker': TinyDataFrame with 9 rows and 21 columns. First row as a dict: {'timestamp': 1741732803.2471318, 
# 'processes': 777773.0, 'utime': 225.0, 'stime': 53.0, 'cpu_usage': 2.7797, 'memory_free': 38480700.0, 'memory_used': 
# 24338580.0, 'memory_buffers': 4792.0, 'memory_cached': 2727720.0, 'memory_active_anon': 15931396.0, 'memory_inactive_anon': 
# 0.0, 'disk_read_bytes': 380928.0, 'disk_write_bytes': 10088448.0, 'disk_space_total_gb': 5635.25, 'disk_space_used_gb': 
# 3405.11, 'disk_space_free_gb': 2230.14, 'net_recv_bytes': 8066.0, 'net_sent_bytes': 8593.0, 'gpu_usage': 0.29, 'gpu_vram': 
# 998.0, 'gpu_utilized': 1.0},
#     'cloud_info': {
#         'vendor': 'unknown',
#         'instance_type': 'unknown',
#         'region': 'unknown',
#         'discovery_time': 1.0617177486419678
#     },
#     'server_info': {
#         'vcpus': 12,
#         'memory_mb': 64015.42,
#         'gpu_count': 1,
#         'gpu_names': ['Quadro T1000'],
#         'gpu_memory_mb': 4096.0
#     },
#     'stats': {
#         'cpu_usage': {'mean': 1.42, 'max': 6.11},
#         'memory_usage': {'mean': 342509.0, 'max': 591621.0},
#         'gpu_usage': {'mean': 0.0, 'max': 0.0},
#         'gpu_vram': {'mean': 0.0, 'max': 0.0},
#         'gpu_utilized': {'mean': 0.0, 'max': 0.0},
#         'disk_usage': {'max': 3405.11},
#         'traffic': {'inbound': 77383.0, 'outbound': 58481.0},
#         'duration': 9.89
#     },
#     'historical_stats': {
#         'available': True,
#         'runs_analyzed': 5,
#         'avg_cpu_mean': 1.52,
#         'max_memory_max': 597372.0,
#         'avg_gpu_mean': 0.0,
#         'max_vram_max': 0.0,
#         'max_gpu_count': 0.0,
#         'avg_duration': 10.2
#     }
# }

Find more examples in the examples directory, including multiple Metaflow flows with different resource usage patterns, e.g. GPU jobs as well.
