Version: 1.4.0
Collaborators: Tammy Do, Skyler Burger, Aliya Summers, Joshua Ho
Back End URL:
Front End URL:
Have you ever wanted to send an anonymous ransom note to someone, but don't have the time to cut out one hundred letters from magazines?
Save time today! SpooPy Notes creates personalized ransom notes for you, simply and quickly. It's easier than breaking into a 1998 Camry!
Use our API to create personalized messages in a ransom note styled output image. Send the image to a recipient or use it as an asset in another project.
Query params:
- query: a string of text representing the message you'd like in your SpooPy Note.
- width (optional): the width of the output image.
- A ransom note-like image of the text you supplied in your query.
- A ransom note-like image of a random dad joke from the icanhazdadjoke API.
- flask: a Python web application framework
- flask_api: an extension to Flask that adds additional API-specific functionality
- flask_cors: a Flask extension that enables resource sharing between the Flask back and React front end
- pillow / PIL: a Python package for image processing
- pytest: a Python testing framework
- requests: an HTTP library for Python
- io: used for file-less serving of images from the back end
- os: used for pathing to images on the server
- random: used for randomly picking letters
- re: used for validating input from users and external API data
08/05/2019 - 1.1.0
- Deployed Flask application on Render
- One-line image composition
08/06/2019 - 1.2.0
- Multi-line image composition
- Back end serving images
- Testing for back end with pytest
08/07/2019 - 1.3.0
- Refined fonts
- Refactored routes and modules
- Added Dad Joke API integration
- Refined image output
08/08/2019 - 1.4.0
- Added custom resizing of output image