Nopol is an automatic software repair tool for Java. This code is research code, released under the GPL licence.
If you use this code for academic research, please cite: Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs (Jifeng Xuan, Matias Martinez, Favio Demarco, Maxime Clément, Sebastian Lamelas, Thomas Durieux, Daniel Le Berre, Daniel Le Berre, Martin Monperrus). IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2016.
title = {Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs},
author = {Xuan, Jifeng and Martinez, Matias and Demarco, Favio and Clément, Maxime and Lamelas, Sebastian and Durieux, Thomas and Le Berre, Daniel and Monperrus, Martin},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
doi = {10.1109/TSE.2016.2560811},
year = {2016},
Others papers about Nopol:
- "Automatic Repair of Buggy If Conditions and Missing Preconditions with SMT" (Favio DeMarco, Jifeng Xuan, Daniel Le Berre, Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis (CSTVA 2014) (Bibtex)
- DynaMoth: Dynamic Code Synthesis for Automatic Program Repair (Thomas Durieux, Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop in Automation of Software Test, 2016, describes the dynamic synthesis part of Nopol (Bibtex)
- Automatic Repair of Infinite Loops (Sebastian Lamelas-Marcote and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01144026, University of Lille, 2015, describes the Infinitel part. (Bibtex)
Nopol requires Java and an SMT solver installed on the machine (e.g. Z3)
Java version:
- From 2013 to 2021, Nopol required Java 8.
- From Nov 19, 2021, Nopol works on Java 11, see #214
- From August 8 2024, Nopol works with Java 18, see #234
- NoPol uses the
that lives intools.jar
. Identify wheretools.jar
is and add the depencency inpom.xml
<!-- replace this path by yours -->
- Compile NoPol:
git clone
cd nopol/nopol
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
# -DskipTests is required, to run the tests one needs to compile ../test-projects/ (see below)
mvn package -DskipTests
- Locate the Nopol jar file produced at step 1)
$ ls target/*jar
target/nopol-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar # we use this one
In the following, nopol.jar
refers to the jar file with dependencies (target/nopol-<VERSION>-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Compile the test-projects
$ cd ../test-projects/
# compiling app (in target/classes) and tests (in target/test-classes), but don't run the tests (they obviously fail, because the goal is to repair them)
$ mvn test -DskipTests
3b) Optional: run the tests of Nopol to check your installation
$ cd ../nopol/
$ mvn test
- Execute Nopol (parameters explained below)
(Long commands are broken in several lines, separated by a backslash, which means an escaped linebreak in Unix shells.)
cd ../test-projects/
java -jar nopol.jar \
-s src/main/java/ \
-c target/classes:target/test-classes:/home/<user>/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.11/junit-4.11.jar:/home/<user>/.m2/repository/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar \
-t symbolic_examples.symbolic_example_1.NopolExampleTest \
-p ../nopol/lib/z3/z3_for_linux
If you keep nopol.jar
instead of the actual jar located at the previous step, you'll get Error: unable to access jarfile nopol.jar
(see above). You should replace also <user>
by your own username.
It should output something like:
Nb classes : 34
Nb methods : 53
Nb statements: 5
Nb statement executed by the passing tests of the patched line: 0
Nb statement executed by the failing tests of the patched line: 0
Nb unit tests : 9
Nb Statements Analyzed : 3
Nb Statements with Angelic Value Found : 1
Nb inputs in SMT : 8
Nb SMT level: 2
Nb SMT components: [4] [== of arity: 2, != of arity: 2, < of arity: 2, <= of arity: 2]
class java.lang.Boolean: 4
Nb variables in SMT : 13
Nb run failing test : [2, 1]
Nb run passing test : [4, 18]
NoPol Execution time : 3262ms
symbolic_examples.symbolic_example_1.NopolExample:12: CONDITIONAL index < 1
NoPol (SMT and Dynamoth) returns also a unix code (integer):
- 0 if a patch has been found
- -1 otherwise
Parameter -c
can be found with mvn dependency:build-classpath
4 parameters are required
Usage: java -jar nopol.jar
(-s|--source) source1:source2:...:sourceN
Define the path to the source code of the project. For instance `src/main/java`
(-c|--classpath) <classpath>
Define the classpath of the project separated by a path separator (`:` on Linux).
Must contain the application binary classes (`target/classes`)
Must contain the application test classes (`target/test-classes`)
Must contain the library classes (`lib/junit.jar` for instance)
[(-t|--test) test1:test2:...:testN ]
Define the tests of the project. For instance `symbolic_examples.symbolic_example_1.NopolExampleTest`
[(-p|--solver-path) <solverPath>]
Define the solver binary path (only used with smt synthesis). For instance `../nopol/lib/z3/z3_for_linux`
See also notes below.
Usage: java -jar nopol.jar
[(-m|--mode) <repair|ranking>]
Define the mode of execution. (default: repair)
[(-e|--type) <pre_then_cond|condition|precondition>]
The type of statement to analyze (only used with repair mode). (default: pre_then_cond)
[(-o|--oracle) <angelic|symbolic>]
Define the oracle (only used with repair mode). (default: angelic)
[(-y|--synthesis) <smt|dynamoth>]
Define the patch synthesis. (default: smt)
[(-l|--solver) <z3|cvc4>]
Define the solver (only used with smt synthesis). (default: z3)
[--complianceLevel <complianceLevel>]
The Java version of the project. (default: 7)
[--maxTime <maxTime>]
The maximum time execution in minute for the whole execution of Nopol.(default: 10)
[--maxTimeType <maxTimeType>]
The maximum time execution in minute for one type of patch per per suspicious statement (eg. 5 minutes max to find a precondition at line x). (default: 5)
[(-z|--flocal) < cocospoon|dumb|gzoltar>]
Define the fault localizer to be used. (default: cocospoon).
"cocospoon" means source code instrumentation plus ochiai metric.
"dumb" means random fault localization.
"gzoltar" means binary code instrumentation with external library plus ochiai metric.
Notes: For using Dynamoth (-y dynamoth
), you must add tools.jar in the classpath of Nopol, and use java with -cp
(and not -jar
java -cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:../nopol/target/nopol-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar <nopol arguments>
Apache Commons Math:
- CM1 (Percentile)
- CM2 (MathUtils)
- CM3 (MathUtils, "Changed factorial methods to return 1 for argument = 0.")
- CM3 (MathUtils, "fixed overflow error in gdc computation, JIRA: MATH-238)
- CM7 (RandomDataImp, "Fixed parameter test in RandomDataImpl#nextExponential. JIRA: MATH-309.")
- CM10 (Covariance, "Allow covariance to be computed for one-dimensional variables. JIRA: MATH-939")
- PM2 (MessageFactory, "allow either specific or generic formats to be null")
Apache Commons Lang:
- CL2 (StringUtils, "Handles empty string now as well.")
- CL3 (StringUtils, "Relax exceptions in left(), right() and mid()")
- CL4 (StrBuilder, "Fix indexOf and lastIndexOf with null input")
Google GSON:
- (Apr 19, 2017, "negative zero test and fix")
For questions and feedback , please contact @monperrus