Philips Hue SDK written in swift
Work in progress...
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.
To integrate SwiftyHue into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "Spriter/SwiftyHue"
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate SwiftyHue into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
pod 'SwiftyHue', '0.4.1'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
SwiftyHue/Base: The core functionality of SwiftyHue.
SwiftyHue/BridgeServices: Provides classes to find bridges in a network and authenticate with them.
target 'MyApp' do
pod ’SwiftyHue’, '0.3.3'
target 'MyApp tvOS' do
pod ’SwiftyHue’, '0.3.3'
target 'MyApp watchOS Extension' do
pod ’SwiftyHue/Base’, '0.3.3'
Note: You can use SwiftyHue/Base submodule to use SwiftyHue also on watchOS.
The first step is to find a bridge in the network.
let bridgeFinder = BridgeFinder()
bridgeFinder.delegate = self;
Implement the BridgeFinderDelegate protocol to get the search results.
extension BridgeSelectionTableViewController: BridgeFinderDelegate {
func bridgeFinder(finder: BridgeFinder, didFinishWithResult bridges: [HueBridge]) {
let bridges = bridges;
Before you can connect to a bridge you need to create user.
var bridgeAuthenticator: BridgeAuthenticator! = BridgeAuthenticator(bridge: bridge, uniqueIdentifier: "swiftyhue#\(UIDevice.currentDevice().name)")
Implement the BridgeAuthenticatorDelegate protocol to get the authentication events.
extension BridgePushLinkViewController: BridgeAuthenticatorDelegate {
func bridgeAuthenticator(authenticator: BridgeAuthenticator, didFinishAuthentication username: String) {
func bridgeAuthenticator(authenticator: BridgeAuthenticator, didFailWithError error: NSError) {
// you should now ask the user to press the link button
func bridgeAuthenticatorRequiresLinkButtonPress(authenticator: BridgeAuthenticator) {
// user did not press the link button in time, you restart the process and try again
func bridgeAuthenticatorDidTimeout(authenticator: BridgeAuthenticator) {
Setup Heartbeat for resource updates.
let bridgeAccessConfig= BridgeAccessConfig(bridgeId: "YOUR_BRIDGE_ID", ipAddress: "YOUR_BRIDGE_IP", username: "YOUR_BRIDGE_USERNAME")
let swiftyHue: SwiftyHue = SwiftyHue();
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Lights)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Groups)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Rules)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Scenes)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Schedules)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Sensors)
swiftyHue.setLocalHeartbeatInterval(10, forResourceType: .Config)
Register for Update Events.
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.lightChanged), name: ResourceCacheUpdateNotification.LightsUpdated.rawValue, object: nil)
Use the resource cache.
if let cache = swiftyHue.resourceCache {
// Dict of lights [String: Light]. Keys are the light identifiers.
let lights = cache.lights
You can use the SendAPI to send requests to the bridge. For example recall a Scene or create a group.
let sendAPI = swiftyHue.brideSendAPI
More coming soon...
You can use the resourceAPI to request resources from the bridge. For example all groups.
let resourceAPI = swiftyHue.resourceAPI
resourceAPI.fetchGroups { (result) in
guard let groups = result.value else {
Install jazzy:
$ [sudo] gem install jazzy
Run generate script:
$ ./
We use 'Log' for Logging. Log` is a powerful logging framework that provides built-in themes and formatters, and a nice API to define your owns.
Get the most out of
by installingXcodeColors
We'd love to see your ideas for improving this repo! The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request. We'll do our best to respond to your patch as soon as possible. You can also submit a issue if you find bugs.
Please make sure to follow our general coding style and add test coverage for new features!
You need Carthage to work on the SwiftyHue Project. If you have Carthage installed just run
$ carthage bootstrap
in the root directory of the project. Remember to build the SwiftyHue framework targets to run the example application targets.