rwm is a dynamic tilling (and floating) window manager for X11 using the tag system of dwm and the server/client style of bspwm. It's written in Rust using bindings to the xcb library.
rwm strives to be easy to use and configure through a simple config file.
The config file is currently changing a lot but here is how it looks like at the moment of writing:
border_width: 4,
focused_border_color: "#0000FF",
normal_border_color: "#D3D3D3",
mod_key: "Mod 1",
// The order of the layouts is the order in which they will cycle
layouts: [
// Focus follows the cursor
follow_cursor: true,
gap: 4,
// Rules can be based either on WM_CLASS or WM_NAME using ClassName() or WMName() respectively
rules: [
// Put Firefox in both tag 1 and tag 2
ClassName("firefox", [(3), (2)]),
// Put Alactitty in tag 3 only
ClassName("Alacritty", [(3)]),
You might notice the unfamiliar syntax. It's called RON
This is not a viable window manager yet, but it's coming together nicely.
See To-do for things that need to happen.