Gaming related stuff for Nix and NixOS.
See an overview of the flake outputs by running
nix flake show github:fufexan/nix-gaming
Package | Description |
faf-client |
Forged Alliance Forever client (multiple packages) |
osu-lazer-bin |
osu! lazer, extracted from the official AppImage |
osu-stable |
osu! stable version |
rocket-league |
Rocket League from Epic Games |
star-citizen |
Star Citizen |
technic-launcher |
Technic Launcher |
wine-discord-ipc-bridge |
Wine-Discord RPC Bridge |
wine |
Multiple Wine packages |
winestreamproxy |
Wine-Discord RPC (broken) |
proton-ge |
Custom build of Proton with the most recent bleeding-edge Proton Experimental WINE |
northstar-proton |
Proton build based on TKG's proton-tkg build system to run the Northstar client on Linux and SteamDeck |
viper |
Launcher+Updater for Titanfall2 Northstar Client |
is a function that installs games withlegendary-gl
. You are expected to log in before using it, withlegendary auth
. The function takes an attrset containing at least the attrsetgames
which includes the games you want installed. Optionally, you can set anopts
attrset that will set the options you set inside for all games listed. You can find a usage example in example.nix.
It's recommended to set up Cachix so you don't have to build packages (most useful for wine).
# configuration.nix
nix.settings = {
substituters = [""];
trusted-public-keys = [""];
Now, rebuild your configuration and continue reading for install instructions.
If you're not using flakes, go here.
Add these packages to your home.packages
or environment.systemPackages
adding nix-gaming
as an input:
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
nix-gaming.url = "github:fufexan/nix-gaming";
outputs = {self, nixpkgs, ...}@inputs: {
# set up for NixOS
nixosConfigurations.HOSTNAME = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [
# ...
# or for Home Manager
homeConfigurations.HOSTNAME = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
system = "x86_64-linux";
config.allowUnfree = true;
extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [
# ...
Then, add the package(s):
{pkgs, inputs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = [ # or home.packages
inputs.nix-gaming.packages.${pkgs.system}.<package> # installs a package
If you want to install packages to your profile instead, do it like this
nix profile install github:fufexan/nix-gaming#<package>
Everything is available as an overlay if you prefer that, though your results may greatly differ from the packages.
To install packages to environment.systemPackages
, add this in
{pkgs, ...}: let
nix-gaming = import (builtins.fetchTarball "");
in {
# install packages
environment.systemPackages = [ # or home.packages
PipeWire is a new audio backend that replaces ALSA, PulseAudio and JACK. It is as low latency as JACK and as easy to use as Pulse.
This module extends the PipeWire module from Nixpkgs and makes it easy to enable the low latency settings in a few lines.
Assuming you've followed the Install/Flakes instructions, all you need to do is add the module to your configuration like this:
{inputs, ...}: {
imports = [
Now you can skip to Usage.
Assuming you've followed the Install/Nix Stable instructions, all you need to do is add the module to your configuration like this:
{pkgs, ...}: let
nix-gaming = /* ... */;
in {
imports = [
Import the module in your configuration and enable it along with PipeWire:
services.pipewire = {
enable = true;
alsa.enable = true;
alsa.support32Bit = true;
pulse.enable = true;
lowLatency = {
# enable this module
enable = true;
# defaults (no need to be set unless modified)
quantum = 64;
rate = 48000;
# make pipewire realtime-capable
security.rtkit.enable = true;
If you get no sound, you may want to increase quantum
You can calculate the theoretical latency by dividing quantum
by rate
is exactly 1ms).
nix-gaming provides a batch of compatibility tools for Steam that you may want to use.
Additionally, it also provides a steamCompat
module that will extend programs.steam
with an extraCompatPackages = []
option that you may use to automatically append your
favorite compatibility tools to Steam's compat tools path.
Assuming you've followed the Install/Flakes instructions, all you need to do is add the module to your configuration like this:
{inputs, ...}: {
imports = [
Now you can skip to Usage.
Assuming you've followed the Install/Nix Stable instructions, all you need to do is add the module to your configuration like this:
{pkgs, ...}: let
nix-gaming = /* ... */;
in {
imports = [
programs.steam = {
# enable steam as usual
enable = true;
# add extra compatibility tools to your STEAM_EXTRA_COMPAT_TOOLS_PATHS using the newly added `extraCompatPackages` option
extraCompatPackages = [
# add the packages that you would like to have in Steam's extra compatibility packages list
# pkgs.luxtorpeda
# inputs.nix-gaming.packages.${pkgs.system}.proton-ge
# etc.
Wine-based game derivations were written with versatility in mind.
These arguments can be modified in order to get the desired results.
wine ? wine-ge, # controls the wine package used to run wine games
wineFlags ? "", # which flags to run wine with (literal)
pname ? "game-name", # name of the script and package
location ? "$HOME/${pname}", # where to install the game/wine prefix
tricks ? [], # which wine tricks to install
preCommands ? "", # run commands before the game is started
postCommands ? "", # run commands after the game is closed
Sometimes you want to override wine
for various reasons. Here's how to do it:
environment.systemPackages = let
gamePkgs = inputs.nix-gaming.packages.${pkgs.hostPlatform.system};
in [ # or home.packages
gamePkgs.osu-stable.override rec {
wine = <your-wine>;
wine-discord-ipc-bridge = {inherit wine;}; # or override this one as well
In order to get the most performance out of your machine, you could use the following tweaks:
- custom/gaming kernel:
is the recommended one for games, since it provides many patches that aid wine and other games. It also provides a better desktop experience due to its preemptive build and tickless scheduler. - gamemode: lets you achieve
lower nice values and higher realtime privileges at game start. It can either
detect games or be started with
Thank you: boppyt - gonX - InfinityGhost - LavaDesu - openglfreak - yusdacra and to all the contributors and users of this repo!