Simple tools to create drop down menu or select menu
// html element created using l library from html-dom.js
import {l} from ""
import {selectMenu} from '' // please change with the latest version
// sample of select menu
// in this sample the button text will be adjusted based on selection
const theselectMenu = selectMenu({
title:'Select Me', // optional
list:[ // required
{value:'First Menu', active:true}, // active should be only one
{value:'Second Menu'},
{value:'Third Menu'}
fn:(val)=>alert(`You select Menu of ${val}`) // required
// sample of drop menu
// in this sample the button text remain fixed
const thedropMenu = selectMenu({
title:'Select Me', // optional
button:l.div('button'), // required for drop menu
list:[ // required
{value:'First Menu'}, // no need to put active in any of these items
{value:'Second Menu'},
{value:'Third Menu'}
fn:(val)=>alert(`You click drop Menu of ${val}`) // required
// sample of drop menu
// in this sample using icon that can toggle to cross using the help of 'data-icon' and 'data-click'
// attribute to store icon name
const thedropMenu = selectMenu({
title:'Select Me', // optional
button:l.div([],{'data-icon':'menu','data-click':'cross'}), // required for drop menu
list:[ // required
{value:'First Menu'}, // no need to put active in any of these items
{value:'Second Menu'},
{value:'Third Menu'}
fn:(val)=>alert(`You click drop Menu of ${val}`) // required
- Drop Menu preview
- Select Menu preview
Demo is available by calling > deno run --allow-read --allow-net serve.js