This project was built during TAMU Hack 2024
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The inspiration behind our project stems from the desire to address the common struggle among university students to find affordable and accessible food options. Many students face financial constraints and often resort to skipping meals or compromising on the quality of their nutrition. We wanted to create a solution that alleviates this burden by aggregating information about places offering free food and food coupons specifically tailored to university students.
Our webpage serves as a centralized platform that aggregates information about various places offering free food and food coupons for university students. It provides a user-friendly interface where students can easily browse through available options based on their location, preferences, and dietary restrictions. Additionally, users can contribute by sharing new listings or updates, fostering a collaborative community effort to support one another in accessing affordable meals. More often then not, Clubs and Organizations are looks for more people to attend their events since the club sponsors care mainly about the number of attendees and food is one way that they try to attract more students.
We built the webpage using a combination of front-end and back-end technologies. The front-end development involved usign TypeScript with React to create an intuitive and visually appealing user interface. For the back end, we utilized supabase hosting to manage the authentication and as a host for the SQL database. We also integrated the open-sounce JS mapping API, Leaflet, to provide location-based services and ensure accurate recommendations for users.