This is a simplerip 2020~2021 fat, realible, fast and optimized hook library for Garry's Mod.
It's well tested and will not mess anything when added to your server.
It will improve your server performance.
Thanks to Meepen for his hook library because im using some ideas from it and inspired me to make this <3
Now you can just drop it in your server and will replace ULib's hook library!
But you will have to watch for warnings that could appear if an addon tries to modify
directly to fix it. Otherwise it's just drop in replacement.
Latest update is not on workshop yet, need to make sure that everything is working as intended to not kill lots of servers.
Add this in: addons/custom_hook/lua/includes/modules/hook.lua
- NORMAL_HOOK (Default)
hook.Add(event_name, name, func, priority)
This hook is guaranteed to be called under all circumstances, and cannot be interrupted by a return statement. You can rely on its consistent execution.
This primarily serves as a logging hook.
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "pre_player_say", function(sender, text)
print(sender:Name() .. "is attempting to send a text: " .. text)
end, PRE_HOOK)
Consider a scenario where you have an admin mod that checks for "!menu". In this case, your hook might not be called before it. To ensure that your hook runs prior to this and is able to check for your command, you can utilize PRE_HOOK_RETURN.
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "pre_return_player_say", function(sender, text)
if text == "!superpower" then
return ""
This allows for the modification of results returned from preceding hooks!
-- arguments = {[1] = hook_name, [2] = returned_value_1, [3] = returned_value_2, ...etc}
-- hook_name can be the gamemode table that was passed to hook.Call
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "post_return_player_say", function(arguments, sender, text)
local hook_name = arguments[1] -- This is the name of the hook that gave back a result.
local returned_string = arguments[2]
print(string.format("%s returned: %s, but we are changing it to : %s", hook_name, returned_string, "help"))
return "help"
This hook is guaranteed to be called under all circumstances, and cannot be interrupted by a return statement. You can rely on its consistent execution.
This primarily serves as a logging hook.
-- arguments = {[1] = hook_name, [2] = returned_value_1, [3] = returned_value_2, ...etc}
-- hook_name can be the gamemode table that was passed to hook.Call
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "post_player_say", function(arguments, sender, text)
local hook_name = arguments[1] -- This is the name of the hook that gave back a result.
local returned_string = arguments[2]
print(string.format("%s said: %s", sender, text))
Using this simple hook caller to do C++ -> Lua hook.Call
concommand.Add("hooktest", function()
for i = 1, 500 do
hook.Add("HOOK_CALL_TEST", tostring(i), function(arg)
print("Number of hooks: " .. table.Count(hook.GetTable().HOOK_CALL_TEST))
print("Warming up...")
local calls_sum = 0
print("Starting hook bench test...")
for i = 1, 6 do
calls_sum = calls_sum + HOOK_CALL_TEST()
print("hook.Call average time: " .. math.Round(calls_sum / 6, 3) .. " seconds")
Srlion's hook.Call: 1.775 seconds
Faster than ULX's hook by 56.90%
Faster than Default's hook by 325.58%
Faster than DLib's hook by 597.46%
ULX's hook.Call: 2.785 seconds
Faster than Default's hook by 171.24%
Faster than DLib's hook by 344.52%
Default's hook.Call: 7.554 seconds
Faster than DLib's hook by 63.89%
DLib's hook.Call: 12.380 seconds
concommand.Add("hooktest", function()
local CurTime = CurTime
for i = 1, 250 do
hook.Add("HOOK_CALL_TEST", tostring(i), function(arg)
print("Number of hooks: " .. table.Count(hook.GetTable().HOOK_CALL_TEST))
print("Warming up...")
local calls_sum = 0
print("Starting hook bench test...")
for i = 1, 6 do
calls_sum = calls_sum + HOOK_CALL_TEST()
print("hook.Call average time: " .. math.Round(calls_sum / 6, 3) .. " seconds")
Srlion's hook.Call: 1.775 seconds
Faster than ULX's hook by 21.86%
Faster than Default's hook by 216.96%
Faster than DLib's hook by 326.70%
ULX's hook.Call: 2.163 seconds
Faster than Default's hook by 160.10%
Faster than DLib's hook by 250.16%
Default's hook.Call: 5.626 seconds
Faster than DLib's hook by 34.62%
DLib's hook.Call: 7.574 seconds
Tested On Physgun Dev Server
Gamemode: Sandbox
- Lua Refresh -> OFF
- Physgun Utils -> OFF