Stackla is a social content marketing platform used by hundreds of global brands, agencies, media companies, and nonprofits to discover, curate and publish the best content from the social web.
This module allows you to integrate Stackla Widgets into your Drupal site. Currently a 'Stackla Widget' field type is supported, that can be added to any fieldable entity. The widget options can be configured on the field, and the resultant widget will be displayed.
This module requires the following modules:
- [Stackla Account] (
- [PHP-cURL] (
- [Composer Manager] (
- [Encrypt] (
- PHP 5.3 or greater is required for the Stackla SDK library.
- Follow the standard Drupal module installation process
- Read the "Installation and Usage For Site Builders" for
drush en stackla
to enable Stackla module
- Download and extract this module to your Drupal installation. The usual location is
- Enable Stackla Core and Stackla Field modules
- Navigate to Composer Manager's configuration page, click on "Rebuild composer.json file"
Install/Update dependencies drush composer-manager install
or drush composer-manager update
For more information please refer to Composer Manager documentation
Before continue with the configuration or use thie module integration, you need to have 'Drupal Plugin' installed in Stackla admin portal. This step will allow you to get the information that is needed for configure and authenticate with Stackla.
To use Stackla widgets on your site, you must assign appropriate permissions to your content managers. There are two permssions available:
This allows a user to configure Stackla API settings, and to create and edit Stackla widgets on the site.
This allows a user to create and edit stackla widgets on the site, but not to configure Stackla API settings.