This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the technique described in our paper:
Sharma, Apoorva, Navid Azizan, and Marco Pavone. "Sketching Curvature for Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection for Deep Neural Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12567 (2021).
This repository provides a framework for wrapping a pre-trained neural network with uncertainty estimates. It is designed to work with any pytorch model. We implement several such wrappers in a general framework. Given a pretrained DNN model : torch.nn.Module
, the distribution that the network parameterizes dist_fam : nn_ood.distributions.DistFam
, and a PyTorch dataset containing the training data dataset :
, we can construct a uncertainty-equipped version of the network as follows:
unc_model = UncWrapper(model, dist_fam, **kwargs)
where wrapper specific hyperparameters are passed in as keyword arguments.
Then, we can use unc_model
as we would use model,
except the wrapped model now will produce an uncertainty score along with the normal model output:
output, unc = unc_model(input)
We implement several such uncertainty wrappers, available in nn_ood.posteriors
: Sketching Curvature for OoD DetectionLocalEnsemble
: Implements the algorithm described in (Madras et al., 2019)KFAC
: Implements the algorithm described in (Ritter et al., 2019)Naive
: Uses the model's output directly to compute an uncertainty score (e.g., entropy of output distribution)
We also compare to DeepEnsembles, which operate on a collection of models of identical architecture. Implementing Deep Ensembles in this framework is a similar process -- after having trained K models, we can intialized the wrapper with a list containing these models
models = [model1, model2, ..., modelK]
unc_model = Ensemble(models, dist_fam, **kwargs)
Clone this repo (including the submodules):
git clone --recurse-submodules
Install the framework (this will autoinstall the required submodules)
pip install -e .
Download datasets (dataloaders expect data to be in ~/datasets). This script downloads the data for Wine and TinyImagenet. The other datasets used in these experiments are all downloaded automatically through pytorch.
./ -t ~/datasets/
Make sure to update nn_ood/
to match the location of your dataset directory.
Each domain / experiment has a folder in experiments
which contains a
file. This file defines all experiment specific details -- hyperparameters, which dataset to use, model architecture, functions to plot data, etc. The config file also defines which combinations of uncwrappers and hyperparameters to test.
The notebook experiments/run_experiments.ipynb
has scripts which run experiments as defined by this config file. At the start of the script, replace EXP_FOLDER
to point to the desired experiment folder so that the correct file is used.
The notebook experiments/visualize.ipynb
has code that generates plots from the results that are saved by the run_experiments.ipynb
notebook. The notebook generates experiment-specific plots as defined in the appropriate EXP_FOLDER/