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jQuery Tips

Nathan Watson edited this page Jul 21, 2017 · 12 revisions
  1. How to get the relative URL in your application

How to get the relative URL in your application

Use window.location.pathname. I use this in my javascript files whenever I perform an AJAX request to an action routed on a member of a model, compared to the model collection as a whole. Since it's routed to a member of the model, the action needs to know what model record we're dealing with. By default, Rails will stick the record ID in the URL, i.e. http://localhost:3000/plates/4. Here, we have a Plate record whose ID is 4. In jQuery, I could type the following out as my relative URL to specify the destination of the request:

destination = "/plates/" + rec_id + "/some_action"

where rec_id is a variable that stores the record ID (4 in this case). But how do we pass that information (value for the record ID) to jQuery? First, say that I have a checkbox and I want to perform my AJAX request when a user clicks on it:

<%= check_box_tag "show_failed_wells", "1", checked, id: "show_failed_wells" %><span> Show failed wells</span>

I can set some custom data attributes (see on this input element, i.e.

<%= check_box_tag "show_failed_wells", "1", checked, id: "show_failed_wells", data: {plate_id:} %><span> Show failed wells</span>

In jQuery, I can then access such data attributes as follows:

$checkbox = $("#show_failed_wells")
rec_id = $"plate-id")

An alternative, perhaps simpler, way to attaching data attributes to HTML elements is to reference the relative URL in the application that the user's browser is already visiting using, window.location.pathname. If the user is visiting a plate record whose ID is 4, then we'd have this value set to "/plates/4". We can simplify the jQuery (this example uses CoffeeScript) to

get_path = window.location.pathname + "/some_action"
$.get get_path, (responseText,status,jqXHR) ->