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Event Bus

Stanislav Osipov edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 4 revisions

This is a well-known pattern that can be very handy in-game and app development. The main reason we should use EventBus is loose coupling. Sometimes, you want to process specific events that are interested in multiple parts of your application, like the presentation layer, business layer, and data layer, so EventBus provides an easy solution.

The package offers a very simple, light, and at the same time high-performant implementation of this pattern.

Best Practices

Like any other pattern, it's very easy to misuse it or use it for not appropriate cases. Of course, it's up to you how to use it in own application, but here are few best practices when working with event buses.

  • Consider using event bus when it’s difficult to couple the communicating components directly
  • Avoid having components which are both publishers and subscribers. See IReadOnlyEventBus
  • Avoid “events chains” (i.e. flows that involve multiple sequential events)
  • Write tests to compensate for insufficient coupling and enforce inter-components integration

Use Examples

Subscribe and Post

First of all you need to make a new EventBus instance:

var eventBus = new EventBus();

Before you can post any events make sure you declare few event classes to work with.

public class SampleEvent : IEvent
    public string Data { get; set; }

public class AnotherSampleEvent : IEvent
    public string Data { get; set; }
    public int IntData { get; set; }

Now you can subscribe to event:

eventBus.Subscribe<SampleEvent>((e) =>

And post an event:

var e = new SampleEvent { Data = "Hello World" };

You may also use Unsubscribe method when you no longer need the subscription.

Static Bus

This is the simplest an fastest implementation for the event bus pattern. Since this is static bus DO NOT USE it when you making a package, since it may conflict with user project.

It only make sense to use it inside the project you maintain and own. Here is how the same subscribe & post flow will look like when using StaticBus:

var e = new SampleEvent { Data = "Hello World" };
StaticBus<SampleEvent>.Subscribe<SampleEvent>((e) =>


Using with pool

Another interesting example wold be to look at how you can combine events with pool:

public class SamplePooledEvent : IEvent
    static readonly DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent> s_EventsPool = new DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent>();
    public string Data { get; private set; }
    public static SamplePooledEvent GetPooled(string data)
        var e = s_EventsPool.Get();
        e.Data = data;
        return e;

    public static void Release(SamplePooledEvent e)

Now here is how posting event would look like:

var e = SamplePooledEvent.GetPooled("Hello World");

We can go further and add IDisposable wrapper around it:

public class SamplePooledEvent : IEvent
    static readonly DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent> s_EventsPool = new DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent>();
    public string Data { get; private set; }
    public static DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent>.PooledObject GetPoolable(string data, out SamplePooledEvent e)
        e = s_EventsPool.Get();
        e.Data = data;
        var poolable = new DefaultPool<SamplePooledEvent>.PooledObject(e, s_EventsPool);
        return poolable;

Now it's even easier to post an event:

using (SamplePooledEvent.GetPoolable("Hello World", out var evt))