Another view we can improve is the way that XML is rendered in PowerShell
It's not very intuitive.
I cannot really only see the element I am looking at, instead of a chunk of data
Create a quick view for any XML element.
Piping it into Out-FormatData will make one or more format views into a full format XML file
Piping the output of that into Add-FormatData will create a temporary module to hold the formatting data
There's also a Remove-FormatData and
Write-FormatView -TypeName "System.Xml.XmlNode" -Wrap -Property "Xml" -VirtualProperty @{ "Xml" = { $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter ([xml]$_.Outerxml).Save($strWrite) "$strWrite" } } | Out-FormatData | Add-FormatData
Now let's take a look at how the xml renders
In case we want to go back to the original formatter, we can remove the formatter
without giving the formatter a name, the
Remove-FormatData -Name "System.Xml.XmlNode"
And we're back to the original formatting