- Format-Markdown: Adding -ImageLink
- Format-Markdown: Adding -MarkdownTableAlignment, additional documentation.
- Format-Markdown: Normalizing tables and fixing issues with Dictionaries
- Format-YAML: Fixing minor issue with -YAMLHeader and multiple objects
- Updating tests: Adding test for Format-Object
- Adding EZOut GitHub Action (#36)
- Out-FormatData: Fixing error when a node has an empty scriptblock (#19)
- Write-FormatListView: Updating Colorization (#33)
- Write-FormatTableView: Fixing encoding and updating colorization (#34)
- Fixing RichModuleInfo (#41)
- Write-FormatViewExpression: Updating Colorization (#35)
- Format-RichText: Adding help, and fixing color lookup logic
- Format-Markdown: Changes to -Heading/-HeadingSize (re #41)
- Adding Format- commands (#24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30) and making EZOut format take precedence.
- Fixing Colorization in System.Diagnostics.Process (#32)
- Adding Get-EZOutExtension: (helps fix #25)
- Write-FormatViewExpression: Support for localization (#39)
- Out-FormatData: Format-Object embedability (#26), Parts cleanup (#38)
- #38 - Removing single use parts
- Adding Format-Heatmap (#30)
- Adding Format-Markdown (#29)
- Adding Format-YAML (#28)
- Adding Format-RichText (#27)
- Adding Format-Object (#25, #26)
- Adding workflow definition (#37)