Synology DS App um Musikdateien auf einen USB Stick für einen CD Wechsel zu laden
Mehr Details:
Vorherige Lösung:
Version 3.3 build 201604##
- fix issue with 0byte files
- apptype change to popup
- end of support for DSM 4
Version 3.2 build 20160421
- send mail after job
- consider musicfiles outside the typical "music" folder
Version 3.1 build 20160418
- fix filesize interpretation since DSM 6
- fix layout of header
- link for feedback via e-mail or forum added
- align foldersize and filecount to right
- extent destination storagesize number
- fix issue to recognize running job under DSM 6
- disable function to delete files from destination.
- create folder by genre
Version 3.0 build 20151003
- use MediaServer Database instead to seek file by self
- seperate deletion to own skript
- offer Genres as selection
- check if USB is really mount (in the past was only check if the mointpoint folder exist)
- change select all/none checkboxes to java function
- filetype will self detected and need no predefination
- supports now also eSATA as destination
- CD01-CD06 option provides only 50 files per folder (more could the radio not handle)
- convert mp3 to lower rates
- list dates and convert info in logfile
- remember selected sources from previous session
- remember selected configuration from previous session
Version 2.2 build 20141117
- implement delete function
- Add full licence text during installation
Version 2.1
- link to filemanager
Version 2.0
- create bash script to handle to long working task of copy and convert and monitor it
Version 1.11
- remember selection of folder from /volume1/music
- implement button to check/uncheck all folder in /volume1/music
- implement option, to break at first time when a file is to big
- implement option to set a limit of free space
- fix issue with chars like ÄÜÖ on the destination file
- implement option to delete the files from the destination (but it is not active)
Version 1.10
- show in german, if user set languagesetting to german
Version 1.9
- add more errormessage to provide more detaisl in case of errors
Version 1.8 build
- make it compatible with DSM 4.0-2265 and newer version
- add this CHANGELOG document
- note in case of no write permission on USB drive
Version 1.7 build 20141018
- first public release
- Init3rdParty (php 5.3 or newer)
- MediaServer (Synology package)
-------------------todo for next version------------------------------------
*texte im protocol übersetzen
- multiuser, damit auch nicht Admin account die App nutzen kann
- Im protokoll die „war zu groß“ meldung weniger gefährlich anzeigen und mehr im design das „Added to job“ darstellen
- reload button um seite zu aktualisieren
== install/uninstall process ==
- implement a log to check over the package manager when the app does
- implement a upgrade function
- implement to offer a new version if avaiable
- remove checkbox if you want start the app after installation on DMS 4
== GUI ==
- prompt anything during the copy process, maybe show the id3 image during the copy
- translate all textes
- refresh size on destination USB after delete the content
== Icons == ** implement icon for DSM 4 ** implement icon for DSM 4 package managaer ** implement big icon for package manager
== filename output ==
- check chars in destination filename, implement option to remove all non standard chars
== copy options == copy in folder differd by genre copy only 50 files, if it choose (currently it copy more)
More new ideas: May you post here or send it my via mail to