This software was developed as part of college project at Hochschule Darmstadt in semester 2016 / 2017.
You can watch a demo of this project by clicking at the image below.
First of all you need a ROS installation with the Indigo distribution. A detailed installation guide for ROS can be found at
There are some dependencies required to build the project. You can either install them manually or by using the rosdep-command from the ros environment.
Next you have to create a workspace at any place of your file system.
mkdir -p <workspace_folder>/src
cd <workspace_folder>/src
With the following statement you add important workspace informations to your environment variables. You always have to do this before you can use this package for ros.
cd ../
source devel/setup.bash
After that you go to the src-folder, clone the project into it and build the ros package
cd src
git clone autonomous_driving
cd ../