- Pro
PRISMS-PF: An Open-Source Phase-Field Modeling Framework
Project repository for "An Open Source Nuclear Modeling Ecosystem to Support Fusion Pilot Plant Design" collaboration between MIT and ANL
Convert OpenMC Geometry Components to CAD
An open-source physics-based Scientific Framework for Disruption Analysis of Fusion Plasmas for AI/ML applications
A workshop covering a range of fusion relevant analysis and simulations with OpenMC, DAGMC, Paramak and other open source fusion neutronics tools
A tool to convert CAD to CSG & CSG to CAD for Monte Carlo transport codes
TRIOMA is an object oriented package for 0D/1D description for Tritium in components for the Outer Fuel Cycle of a Fusion Reactor
Coupled hydrogen/tritium transport and heat transfer modelling using FEniCS
Native plotting GUI for model design and verification