Next generation server Controller for Trackmania Forever dedicated server Built on top of Fast3.
github : Fast3 :
You must have php5 working. The easiest is to extract fast in the dedicated directory, so having fast.php in the same directory as the dedicated binary.
You will make or modify your start script yourself...
First start Fast4/TrackmaniaServer/start.bat. Then start Fast4/FAST4 start.bat
The login/pass used for the dedicated is now also the one used for the Dedimania database. The account is automatically created on Dedimania after le login/pass has been controlled on Nadeo masters servers.
You should use a command like that :
php5 fast.php dedicated.cfg
NOTE: your server HAVE TO really use the ports indicated in its used dedicated.cfg file, so those configured ports must not be used by another program !!! I suggest to use for the dedicated the ports 2352,3452 and 5002, and make router-NAT redirections for them if needed (2352 tcp and udp, 3452 tcp, and only if you want external remote control 5002 tcp).
PS: You can get and use the tool TCPView (search on google) to see what program use what port easily.
Logs are now in the fastlog/ directory, their name contains the game and tm login to differenciate logs of several fast started from the same directory.
Fast admins are now un an xml file similar to guestlist.txt etc. It will be created automatically at first start, and if empty the first player using an adm or help chat command will be promoted as admin. When admins are added using /admin the new list is automatically saved. You can edit the file by hand and restart fast too. Admin file contains the game and tm login.
There is no more problem to start several fast from the same directory, like for the dedicated. You just have to setup various dedxxxx.cfg files with different tm accounts and different ports to launch several dedicated and associated fast.
If you use fast remotely from the dedicated, the best is to get a copy of the dedicated.cfg file used by the dedicated, and to specify in it the server IP address, in an added field <server_ip>
The statistics site is there :
If you want to make changes in texts you should do a copy of locale.colors.txt, locale.en.txt or with the name locale.custom.txt (in plugins/) and put there all modified or translated strings, using the same file structure of existing files.
So long, make good tests :) Gilles