Base repository with jupyter lab devcontainer
You should probably not modify this repo with code files unless they are examples of how to use it. This intended as a template repository to start others.
See citation example.
You can edit csv files in a spreadsheet like interface. See csv example.
A spell-checker is enabled. In Markdown cells, misspelled words will appear with a pink background. You can right click on them for suggested corrections.
Jupyter lab is configured with PDF export either from LaTeX or webPDF. LaTeX looks nicer, but it is more fragile and not every LaTeX package is supported. webPDF may be more reliable. You export from the File -> Save and Export Nobebook As... menu.
The base image is an Anaconda Python image. We add several additional packages and Jupyter lab configurations. See the Dockerfile for details. For example, Jupyter Lab is set up to allow real-time collaborative editing by default.