This is a sample setup for running Solidus on Kubernetes and using CircleCI 2.0 to deploy.
- Google container engine to run kubernetes (
- Google container registry to store images (
- Google persistent disk for storage (
Setup the following either using the gcloud sdk cli or on in your console:
- Google container registry (
- Google container engine (
- Google persistent disk (
Install the kubectl command, which you will use to see your Kubernetes Dashboard:
kubectl proxy
As it says, visit http://localhost:8001/ui to view the Kubernetes Dashboard.
Google Container Engine has its own secrets management ( We'll use the 'kubectl' to create the secrets manually from the command line. These commands then store them in the Google Container Engine.
We need:
- Secret Key Base to run Rails in production
- Postgres database password
- Basic auth user and password for the traefik admin
Create a secret key base secret (for SECRET_KEY_BASE):
kubectl create secret generic production --from-literal=secretkeybase=<secret_key>
Postgres password secret (for POSTGRES_ROOT_PASSWORD and DB_PASSWORD):
kubectl create secret generic postgres --from-literal=password=<root-user-password>
The values are then specified in the kubernetes_config files using the 'valueFrom' key.
Create a secret for the basic-auth:
First create a basic auth file with username and password. Can use htpasswd ( to create the encoded file.
kubectl --namespace=kube-system create secret generic basic-auth-name --from-file=<path-to-basic-auth-file>
The basic auth file is specified in the traefik-ingress with the line: basic-auth-name
In order to give CircleCI proper permissions to do stuff to our google cloud services, we need the following Google Cloud Service accounts:
- Allow CircleCI to pull/push from the Google Container Registry (e.g., "circleci-container-upload")
- Allow CircleCI to apply a deployment to the Google Container Engine (e.g., "circleci-kubernetes-deploy")
Create the accounts:
Grant correct permissions:
- For the Google Container Registry service account, grant 'Storage Admin' permissions
- For the Google Container Engine service account, grant 'Container Engine Developer' permissions
For each service account, we will use a JSON key file for authentification (
Create the JSON key:
In your CircleCI Project Settings, add the following variables to 'Environment Variables':
- GOOGLE_CONTAINER_ENGINE_AUTH - encoded JSON key from above (use base64 to encode:
- GOOGLE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_AUTH - json (DO NOT ENCODE: we need the full json for auth/username&password: and
- HOSTNAME - Google container regsitry ( hostname. See available hostnames here:
- ZONE - zone chosen for compute engine ( can see from this list:
- CLUSTER_NAME - the name of your gke cluster, can be found here:
- GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID - is your Google Cloud Platform Console project ID