A ESP32 driven Scale, Adjustable spoolwidth, esp touch for tare, offset 1, offset 2
For my recuring plates i need to know the remaining Filamet on spool. As my wife was yellin a ton for taking away her kitchen scale every day, this here became my solution.
You can hardcode two offsets(empty spoolweights) and select them by touching the screws below the display.
Bearings 608RS - Amazon
A ESP32 mcu - Aliexpress
20KG HX711 Loadcell - Amazon
128x64 OLED LCD - Amazon
M3 screws DIN 912 (M3x12mm)
M3 screws DIN 912 (M3x16mm)
M5 screws DIN 912 (M5x20mm)
M4 screws DIN 912 (M4x20mm)
Heatinserts m3 thread (M3 x 5mm x 4mm)
Print in ABS - 0.2 Layerheigth - 4.5 Walls - 50% infill - no Supports
See the pictures in pics folder.
Insert the heatinserts with a soldering iron. Use washers between loadcell and scalecase.
Test the touch wires before closing the case, there is a serial feedback. The wires can be pushed into the screw holes of the displayfeet and then just screw in the display holder. You might want to change touchpins T0-T9 (line 72)