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Steve Gilham edited this page Aug 5, 2021 · 19 revisions

I really want coverage for my .net core unit test project right now

Install into your test project

dotnet add package AltCover

and run

dotnet test /p:AltCover=true

The OpenCover format output will be in file coverage.xml in the project directory

I'm now getting AltCover.targets(##,#): error : Failed to resolve assembly or AltCover.targets(##,#): warning : Resolved assembly reference

The instrumentation process needs to find one of the dependencies to do its work. In the latter case, the assembly was found in the default user-level NuGet cache location; in the former, either the AltCover build is too old, the assembly isn't in the default NuGet cache location, or the wrong version was found.


dotnet test /p:AltCover="true" /p:CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies="true"

may resolve the issue.

If this doesn't work, or doing the equivalent of a dotnet publish into the binaries folder interferes with your downstream process, update to the latest (or at least >= v4.0.653 for the latest enhancements) AltCover build and use the /p:AltCoverDependencyList= parameter instead to point to the assembly or assemblies in question.

I need a different output format

Choose one or both of LCov or Cobertura like this

dotnet test /p:AltCover=true /p:AltCoverCobertura=<path to file> /p:AltCoverLcovReport=<path to file>


dotnet test /p:AltCover=true /p:AltCoverOpenCover=false

for NCover format

I'm not interested in how well I cover my test code/I get coverage data from a third-party test runner, which is not of interest

Use the /p:AltCoverAssemblyExcludeFilter MSBuild property to exclude the test-related assemblies (unit tests, test runners) from coverage, while still fixing up linkage and supporting test call tracking.

I'm still using the full Framework on Windows or Mono on *nix

MSBuild MySolution.sln
cd <Unit Test project $(OutputDir)>
<path to>/AltCover.exe
cd ./__Instrumented

and run unit tests against the files there.

Under some versions of Mono on non-Windows platforms, with old-school projects, the default values of --debug:full or --debug:pdbonly generate no symbols from F# projects -- and without symbols, such assemblies cannot be instrumented. Unlike with C# projects, where the substitution appears to be automatic, to use the necessary --debug:portable option involves explicitly hand editing the old-school .fsproj file to have <DebugType>portable</DebugType>.

But what about ... ?

You probably need to read the full usage guide.