Automatic LLM Generated Stories, PodCasts, and Videos in Go
- Setup http server to listen for external cron trigger
- Set up SQLite
- Setup Custom Github Runner
- Setup AWS CDK Deploy
- EC2 Instance Deployment
- Setup Amazon S3 Saves
- Setup EC2 Secret Manager
- Deploy with git workflow on tag
- Select Random Genre
- Generate Story - Initially use Open AI
- Save Story to DB
- Generate images - Initially Use OpenAI
- Convert images from png to WebP
- save images to s3
- generate Audio - Initially use Open AI
- Save audio to s3
- Generate Video with FFMpeg (??)
- Save Video to S3
- Write Blog
- Upload Pod Cast
- Upload Video to Youtube
- Deploy own LLM for Story Generation
- Deploy own Image Generation
- Deploy own TTS for Audio Generation
- Look into other video generation methods
graph TD
A --> B[/src/]
B --> C[/domain/]
C --> D[/entities/]
D --> E[Story.ts]
C --> F[/value-objects/]
F --> G[Genre.ts]
C --> H[/aggregates/]
H --> I[StoryAggregate.ts]
C --> J[/events/]
J --> K[StoryGenerated.ts]
C --> L[/repositories/]
L --> M[StoryRepository.ts]
graph TD
B --> N[/application/]
N --> O[/commands/]
O --> P[GenerateStoryCommand.ts]
O --> Q[ConvertStoryToAudioCommand.ts]
O --> R[GenerateStoryImagesCommand.ts]
graph TD
B --> S[/infrastructure/]
S --> T[/repositories/]
T --> U[HugoStoryRepository.ts]
S --> V[/services/]
V --> W[OpenAIServiceImpl.ts]
V --> X[AudioServiceImpl.ts]
V --> Y[ImageServiceImpl.ts]
graph TD
A --> B[/src/]
B --> BA[index.ts]
A --> AC[/test/]
AC --> AD[domain/]
AC --> AE[application/]
AC --> AF[infrastructure/]
AC --> AG[/mocks/]
AG --> AH[OpenAIServiceMock.ts]
A --> AI[.gitignore]
A --> AJ[jest.config.js]
A --> AK[package.json]
A --> AL[tsconfig.json]
A --> AM[]
A --> AN[/dist/]